462. Dancing Girl: Meeting Again

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Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Su Bei had a conjecture, would it be Chi Subai?

He knew he would come, but wasn’t it too fast?

Anyhow, he just got back today.

After thinking fruitlessly, Su Bei still opened the door.

Then he got his waist grasped by Chi Subai, “Come back with me.”

Chi Subai’s palm was burning hot.

Who was Su Bei? Someone who had experienced strong wind and big waves already. In an instant, he knew what was happening.

But now was not the time to offer himself to him, since the captivating bar was too low.

So Su Bei backhanded to grasp his wrist, “It’s too late.”

Chi Subai looked at Su Bei with those burning eyes.

Su Bei pretended to be prudish, “Master Chi, stay calm.”

Then he pulled Chi Subai towards the bathroom, and then gave him a cold shower.

Su Bei pushed him into the bathtub and directly opened the cold water, “Master Chi, you need to cool down.”

Chi Subai stared at Su Bei, making the latter feeling embarrassed to let go.

Soon, Su Bei’s hand also turned hot.

Cold water was overflowing from the bathtub, Su Bei put his hand on Chi Subai’s shoulder and pressed him to sit in, “Master Chi, have you calmed a little?”

However, Ji Subai could not hear him, because he only saw this man in front of him.

The intense desire was impacting his nerves, making him want to do something uncontrollably.

It was something he had never felt before.

Not even to a face so similar to hers.

As Su Bei also noticed the desire in his eyes was growing stronger, he directly poured some cold water over his head.

Chi Subai’s eyes got a little clearer, but he still did not speak.

The children heard the noise too and peered through the door. “Sister…Su, is it Master Chi?”

Su Bei looked back, his mouth slightly twitching, “Go to sleep already.”

The little girl with two ponytails asked, “Will Master Chi bully you?”

Su Bei replied without even thinking, “No.”

Fast enough to let Chi Subai curve the corner of his mouth.

Under any circumstances, she always so trusted him.

When the children heard Su Bei say no, they went back to sleep.

Su Bei turned to Chi Subai again, “if you are sober now, you can come out.”

Chi Subai pressed down the throb in the heart and inner fervor, asking calmly, “Are you trying to leave me?”

Su Bei replied, “No, it was Huayao.”

His answer seemed to satisfy Chi Subai, “Come back with me.”

748, “Captivating bar increased by 5%, current progress 61%.”

Su Bei replied, “Go back to be a canary of you?”

Chi Subai didn’t answer him at once, because after he tried, he still couldn’t utter the word yes.

It seemed that, in his own eyes, this person had become more than just a collection.

Su Bei then continued, “I think it’s not bad at Sister Feng’s place.”

Then Chi Subai’s eyes fell on Su Bei’s not fully recovered fingers, “How did you hurt your finger?”

Su Bei thought a bit and answered, “Piano practicing.”

Chi Subai caught Su Bei’s finger and sent it to his lips, kissing it religiously without any hint of desire.

Su Bei was relieved, it seemed that Chi Subai really got sober now.

Eyebrow hanging, Chi Subai tried to hide the feelings in his eyes. Seems not enough.

Su Bei grabbed Chi Subai’s wrist, “Come out, or you’ll catch a cold.”

Pool Subei got under his pull, stepped out of the bathtub, the whole floor got wet.

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