554. Cat: Shapeshift

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Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Su Cheng totally didn’t try to hide his big movement, so most bit families had learnt about it.

His son accidentally broke into the forbidden area and got injured, Su Cheng slaughtered all those demons. And all Su elders had a problem with it, he then killed them all.

The mysterious side of Su Bei had deepened, everyone was guessing why Su Chen had spoiled the young master like that.

Shen Jiu, who was seriously injured, had been in a coma since he was brought home by Zhuang Siyu.

Zhuang Siyu never thought about abandoning the cat, because a voice told her that the cat was important and that she cared about the cat.

That night, Shen Jiu still had a fever and looked miserable.

After Zhuang Siyu found that, she had been trying to alleviate Shen Jiu’s pain, after several attempts, she found that the cat’s cultivation was actually improving rapidly.

That meant this cat was a demon.

This cognition made Zhuang Siyu happy, as for why, she had no idea.

But she was doing her best with the cat.

No one knew how long it had passed. The cat’s body gradually got elongated under the moonlight, and it was changing.

Zhuang Siyu witnessed the whole process, this cat was really a demon, the legendary Nine-life Cat.

When Shen Jiu woke up, he looked right into Zhuang Siyu’s shocked face.

He took a look at his hands and realized that he had shapeshifted again.

Shen Jiu got up and said to Zhuang Siyu faintly, “thank you.” Then turned to leave.

Zhuang Siyu hurriedly said, “You…Why the Su family is after you?”

Shen Jiu’s expression was still indifferent, “You don’t need to know.”

Once shapeshifting, he didn’t need this woman anymore.

Zhuang Siyu thought that she could never let this demon go, so she said, “Maybe I can help you.”

Shen Jiu turned around and looked at her without saying a word.

Because he was trying to figure out how to make Su Cheng pay.

Zhuang family and Su family both belonged to big demon-hunting families, so, letting the Zhuang family to expose Su Cheng’s true face may not be a bad idea.

He wanted to see what Su Cheng could do.

Thinking so, Su Bei’s face flashed in his mind, and was then driven out of his mind, he swore he’d get his internal elixir back.

Not everyone can use his stuff.

Shen Jiu asked Zhuang siyu, “How do you want to help me?”

Zhuang Siyu pondered a bit and said, “Nine-life Cat belongs to a relatively rare species in the demon world, right? And I can tell you are not a demon who would kill humans. So, seen from any angle, Su family shouldn’t chase after you, right?”

“Is there some…special reason?”

Shen Jiu got his eyebrows hung down, “I wonder if you have ever heard that in a short time, the whole race of our nine-life cats got their internal elixirs dug out and nearly got wiped out?”

Zhuang Siyu opened her mouth wide in surprise. “Is it the Su family?”

Shen Jiu’s mouth slightly curved, with a trace of sarcasm. “What? Don’t you believe me?”

Zhuang Siyu shook her head. “This is outrageous! Should we tell the Association?”

The so-called Association was an organization of those big shots of both the demon-hunting families and those powerful demons, which specially handled those things that went against the rules of both sides.

Whether demon or the demon-hunting families, anyone going against the rules would be punished by the Association.

Shen Jiu pressed down the emotion in his eyes and pretended to be puzzled. “But we have no evidence.”

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