30 - Stranger

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"Yes? Can I help you?" you asked slightly backing up by the silent stranger.

"Actually, yes. Satoru Gojo is here?" the man asked. A male voice made you shiver. A stranger comes to your house in the evening and asks about Satoru. It doesn't feel normal at all.

"Wait a minute. I'll go get him right away." You closed the front door a bit and quickly met to the room where your fiancé was sitting, changing into more comfortable clothes after work and this strange meeting.

You quickly entered the appropriate corridor, suddenly opening the door to his wardrobe. He was standing there in front of the hangers looking through his shirts. He did it for some unknown reason. Maybe he was looking for something. As always...

"Satoru." you said quickly.

"What? Who came there?" he asked, glancing at you before grabbing one of the shirts and hanging it on another hanger.

"That's why I came. I do not know who he is. He was asking for you."

Listening to your quick, scared sentences, he was wondering who comes at such a time and wants to meet someone. He walked past you adjusting the T-shirt he had recently put on and went to the door. You followed him all the time. Only a corridor separated you from the door. Gojo went first. You a meter behind him.

He walked over to the door where he saw some of this man in black clothes and was already suspicious. He is not thief, because if you had just left, he would have walked in. Not a murderer because the moment you opened the door he would have pounced on you. If not a criminal then who? Before he even faced the human, he took off his glasses, allowing his technique to penetrate someone behind the door so that he could test his damned energy. When he immediately looked at it it seemed to him... weird... A bit familiar. Its large amounts could almost be compared to his.

"Who the hell is this guy?" he asked himself in his brain as he grabbed the handle and opened the door.

He could only see the bottom of his face. He looked with a serious face to read who the stranger was. Then he smiled.

"Long time no see. Satoru." he said, taking his hands out of his pockets. A little more of his face was shown with this movement and what the Gojo saw made him freeze. He lowered the glasses to the floor with a thud as they hit the floor. He widened his eyes, slightly parting his lips sadly.

Before you asked if anything happened, the stranger continued.

"You were going to invite me to your wedding?" he laughed as he grabbed the fabric of the dark hood and pulled it off his head. You see a young man with sharp features, small dark eyes and long black hair tied in a circle.

Looking at Gojo with questioning eyes you saw that he was practically immobilized. You would have thought he had a heart attack if he had not clenched one fist, which was trembling slightly.

"Suguru..." he whispered before relaxing his hand so that it could simply hang to his side. Before you looked at this dark-haired man, your future husband suddenly came up to him, grabbed him in his hands and hugged him.

His eyes were glassy with tears that wanted to flow out to show his emotions. He did not know if the tears that would flow out would be from happiness or sadness. Or maybe reliefs? He was really glad to see his best friend. But he was also relieved that he was still alive and he was sad and a little furious, now wanting to grab him everything he did and what he did. Now he was finally showing emotions and was able to cry. Show your weakness that only a few people knew. With Geto, he was not ashamed of his tears.

You watched your fiancé hug a strange guy. When you were looking like this, you could already see the tears streaming down his cheeks.

"You scum... How could you..." he called on him without letting go. As soon as he left the other man, he began to wipe his eyes from tears with his hands. "I can't believe I can see you..."

"Me too..." he said looking at you again. You looked at him too before you went to close the front door.

"Satoru?" you asked, wanting to know if he was okay.

"It's good. I'm fine... It is only... Emotions. Nothing else..." you put your hand on his shoulder.

"You will introduce me?" his friend asked with a smile looking at you.

"Suguru it is (y/n). (y/n) this is Suguru Geto. He is my... Best friend..."

"Nice to meet you..." you said.

"Me too. I would never expect Satoru to eventually find a candidate for a wife, but here you are."

Gojo's eyes were hidden behind his white hair, so you raised your hand up, brushing back a few strands and wiping away a stray tear.

"I am glad that there is someone here who can take care of him." he said, walking a bit in your direction. "Plus, I'm sorry I scared you. For starters, I had to make sure he was here and nowhere else."

"I couldn't be anywhere else, Suguru. Since she is here, I will also be here. Let's go to the living room. Please make yourself comfortable."

"You're not gonna try to kill me?" he laughed.

"Even though there's a wanted poster behind you and an execution inscribed, that doesn't mean I could betray or kill my best friend."

You went to the living room where both men sat on opposite couches.

"Would you like to drink something?" you asked pleasure.

"Just water. Thank you."

"And you Satoru?"

"You don't have to, honey."

"I'll get it right away." you said walking quickly to the kitchen and filling a glass with water.

When you brought it to him, he thanked him and took a few sips. You sat down next to Satoru across from him. You wondered how he knew about all this. Satoru never mentioned him.

"If you want to ask me something, feel free to ask. Someone close to Satoru is also my friend. So don't hesitate. No matter what it is, I will answer."

"Well... How long have you known each other? Satoru never told me about you."

"No wonder, since this is how he experienced it all. We met at school in the first year."

"Um... Can you explain what Satoru said? Why are you on the wanted posters and ours to be executed?"


"Because that idiot killed 112 civilians in one night..." the Gojo interrupted.

"You know my reason..."

"I don't want to bring this up to you. It is important to me that I saw you."

"Would you like to meet me again?" he asked, placing his hands in his lap.

"Yes. You are still my friend..."

"So we'll meet again. I'm sorry I can't stay anymore, but I still have to do something today. Goodbye." He waved the white-haired man with a smile and went to the door himself, leaving.

"He is your friend?" you asked.

"Yes. Even if he did all of these, I can't just throw him out of my life..." he said, placing his face in his hands.

"You do not need. The important thing is that you can forgive him." you stroked his broad back.

"I have never felt so happy than with the two of you. I love you."

He hugged you kissing your forehead.

"It is very good that you can feel it. That's good..."

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