07 - A deal and answer

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The gojo put the piece of paper out of your reach and showed you a check with a total of 10 million. You widened your eyes at that. You wondered why he was showing you this.

"Gojo? What is this?" you asked looking away from the paper looking at his face. Deadly serious.

"Check. One signature is enough." he said, still showing no other emotion.

"But why are you telling me this?"

"It's part of the deal."

"What layout...?"

"A deal I made with your father." he said finally.

"Deal with my father?" you asked disbelieving his words.

"Yes. I offered him money to pay off all his debts with the excess that he signed certain documents."


"That he would let you marry me. This was supposed to be proof that you would agree." He said when a slight smile appeared on his face.

"What? You're joking right?" You didn't believe him and you appeared on your face with a scowl of disbelief.

"No. I am not joking. That's why I needed this paper. As a proof." He picked up a piece of paper that was lying on the table showing it to you. Two signatures. One for him and one for your father. Everything was legally written. Such contracts may have had a supporting document. After all, it was about a lot of money. Your father sold you. He sold it to a friend you so trusted. To whom you could entrust your life. He ... thought you would agree ...

"You are not being serious. Do you think I'll agree to something like that?"

"Yes. I think you will agree. In two days they will increase your bank loan installments and they can kick you out of your apartment if you don't pay." he took off his glasses, playing lazily with them.

"You really do-"

"Time is ticking (y / n). Think too long and I can cancel my proposal. Though I wouldn't like to do that. "


"You just have to answer. Yes or no. Either we're together and your father's money is, or I'm tearing this document apart and you won't get the money. Your debts will only get deeper and you will lose the roof over your head. This is what you want?" he asked teasing. He manipulated you. He wanted you to be reasonable in choosing his proposal. Good for your father and better for you. He only waited for one word to sign the check or tear it with the paper. One word is enough to change your life. He gave you an ultimatum. Your life with him or your life in constant debt. You had to choose. "So? What is your answer? Your future depends on what you choose, so keep that in mind."

Your eyes started to water as you looked at your hands. You couldn't get away from him now. The answer "yes" would have both advantages and disadvantages. So is the answer "no". There were more benefits in the first, and many more disadvantages for both you and the Gojo in the second. Apart from the money, it could destroy his feelings. If the answer is "yes" you can destroy your life or make it better. He offered as much money as if it were just a tiny bit. Maybe for him. He waited impatiently for an answer. You wanted to say no. Once you were sure you wanted to say it, you looked at his eyes. When he saw your frown he knew you would refuse. He sighed sadly, turning to the table to grab the pages. You looked at him again. His eyes were glazed with tears when he wanted to tremble the papers. He really wanted it. He loved you dearly. He has gone so far as to be with you. You were gonna destroy it? Were you going to break his heart? You clenched your jaw tightly as you let the tear flow. You were sobbing slowly reaching out to him. You grabbed his hand before he could tear whatever he had in his hands. Even if you didn't want it to, you couldn't do that to him. He was the only one who offered help in exchange for something so strange. He wanted love from you. A love that you couldn't give him, but you could at least let him love you. He really wanted it. As tears ran down your face, he looked at you, putting the papers back on the table.

"...I agree..." you squeezed his sleeve as the words struggled through your throat. In a strange way, you started crying even more. You heard his soft chuckle before he hugged you. You did not resist wanting to feel at least a tiny relief in it.

"You see? It wasn't that hard, right?" there was no more sadness in his eyes, but happiness. He quickly grabbed the pen and signed the check. Now there was no turning back. He simply reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, opening it. Inside was a small white gold ring adorned with a crystal of a similar color to his eyes. The view was breathtaking. If you weren't crying now, it would just make you admire the beauty of this ring. Now he has officially proposed to you. There was no turning back. He put it on your finger. Perfectly matched. He really had to prepare for this moment.

He was the only one who helped. He was the only one who wanted to do something. He dared to buy your existence. Your future and everything else ahead of you. Now it will be a part of your life forever. You have to agree to marry him. There is no other choice. It will become your family. Someone you need to trust and be faithful to. Swear to him eternal love. Three months ago, he killed the curses in your house and now he killed your feelings as well. You felt like a thing. A thing that can be sold.

"I am a thing for you..." you said softly.

"No. Even if it's very valuable. I would be able to pay even more if I had to. Just if you would agree." he put down the pen with a big smile on his lips. You didn't want to look at him. Even listening to his voice caused greater tears. "(y / n) don't cry. Everything will be fine. We will be happy together."

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