01 - Customer

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AN: There are many mistakes in the first chapters. I wrote them a long time ago.

Already edited!

The smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke entered your nostrils as the front door opens. You peeked over the wall of the small kitchen to see the muddy footprints leading to the living room. You already knew who came home. Turning off the tap, you just went to the living room. A few steps and you are already next to the couch. Your father's face twisted at the alcohol. He stank of it and of cigarettes. The only thing that was good for you right now was that he respected your rule not to smoke in front of you, which you hated. Through his appearance and behavior, you remembered the first day after your mother died. 

Your mother had an accident and died in the hospital when you were 17. But you know she wasn't fully healed either. Your father fell into addiction after the incident. He started drinking and smoking to ease his stress. Gambling has also come to this over time. What he earned to survive, he lost in games. He almost always came home drunk and without any money. All your screams for him to stop doing this have been drowned out by his own to go about your own business. These were your Business. Surviving here. At 18, you immediately started working full-time and took extra hours to pay the rent. Of course your father didn't care, and he continued to do the same as before. Household maintenance, food and bills. This is what you did. You never wanted to give your hard-earned money to your father. However, it came to this. He would take your money while you were asleep and wake up in the morning with an empty wallet. The routine every day to get his drunk father to his bed to sleep there and not on the couch or on the floor was terrible. After finishing one job, you went to the other. A two-hour break between them and continue to work. Every day you had enough. You were crying while you were sitting on your bed and you couldn't handle it all. You've always been jealous of a person your age as they walk on the sidewalks laughing together. Nothing ever got better. Continuous work and duties. This is how nearly three years of your life were taken away. 

"Dad. Stop taking all our money. I can't do it anymore." you said to him. 

"Nonsense. You have a job and you earn money. It is your responsibility to maintain this house and both of us..." he replied with a slurred tongue from the excess of alcohol. 

"They fired me because of you. Because you threatened my boss last week to raise my salary!"

"And that idiot did nothing... I should have him..." he got up rocking from side to side.

"You can not do anything. What you should do is go to rehab! I would also like to have my own life!"

"(y/n) you are 20 years old... Everyone of this age would like to have a job."

"I don't want to work so that you can play!" tears started to accumulate in your eyes.

"It wasn't your money... I took a loan from a bank." hiccupped between sentences.

"You what ?! " you screamed.

"Two days ago... I took a loan from a bank..."

"How much?!"

"6 million... I said home renovation..." he smiled proud of his lie.

"Where is the money?!" you were terrified.

"I played and lost cards three times... Today... I earned 15,000... And I lost 18,000... That old grandfather was cheating... I have the rest on my Bank account... And I paid my debts."

"... I lost one job because of you, we have rent arrears and now 6 million more to pay!" you wanted to punch him in the face, but his face disgusted you. It was a pity to get your hand dirty on him. 

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