08 - "Hug me!"

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The words returned your gaze to the ring on your finger. He was able to spend the money on you. He bought a ring that cost a lot to please you and remind you of him every time. For you to agree, you paid millions. Too low valuation was no longer an option. This man showed how much you are worth. After closing your eyes to stop tearing, you felt that the white-haired man got up from the couch and came to you. He got down on one knee and grabbed your hand. He didn't say a word. He just stared.

"Let's go get your stuff, baby." he said sweetly. He tugged a little on your hand, pulling you closer to him. You have never objected to his actions. He did what he wanted with you. You felt vulnerable in his hands. Like a little animal in the paws of a hunter. No matter how much time has passed, he already called you "baby". He could not see any obstacles in this because you were already very close to him. As he stood up, he pulled you to his feet so that you would stand in front of him. You were so small compared to his body. He felt that one wrong move on his part could break you. Even the slightest movement. He kissed your cheek saying sweet words. He gave you a sweatshirt for you to put on and when you made it he dragged you to leave. Before you left, he pulled a new suitcase around the corner. A large suitcase with wheels. You knew you would need it now. You had no choice but to listen to what he wanted from you. You tried to grasp the handle of the suitcase hesitantly, but he was still holding it. "I wear your things. Ladie first." he pointed to the door opening it for you.

You moved on without a word. He clearly said that you are going to get your things, so make your way to your house. Though you don't know if it's still your home. The dream turned out to be true. He really asked you about living with him a few days ago. Everything he did then was real. It wasn't a figment of your mind. All the words he had spoken came back to you. He wanted you to live with him. May you be with him always. He just wanted you and your love. You couldn't take your words back. All you could do now was regret saying it. He was happy. It was different with you. You didn't know what awaited you while living with him. Might as well get bored of you in a while. Then there would be a chance he would leave you. But marriage is no trivial matter. Once you swear love to another person, it is no longer a relationship without any obligations. Then you will start living with him every day. You will become everyday life for yourself.

"(y/n)-chan~! Hug me!" he shouted suddenly stopping on the sidewalk.

"Now...?" you asked softly casually.

"Yes! Isn't that what couples do ?! They show each other feelings!" he was acting childish. He stretched out his long arms towards you, waiting for you to hug him. Instead of making any move you were staring at him. "Come on! Do not keep me waiting~! You get used to it!" He smiled constantly, closing his eyes. You were able to get away from him effectively now. You wouldn't have to put up with it. But hurting him that way was out of the question. You couldn't let his heart break. You slowly walked over to him, wrapping your arms under his. As soon as he felt your touch, he lowered his hands, placing them on your back and waist. He thought you hated him, but you only had a grudge against him for being forced into a relationship. However, you couldn't hate him for loving someone else. Everyone deserves love. Only some choose other means to be with someone. "I love you." he whispered. He didn't say it, but he wanted you to tell him the same. Although he knew you wouldn't.

"Let's go already..." you said to get out of his grip as soon as possible. He gave you a bit of a move away from him, but not too far. He pulled you closer to him again, grabbing your waist again. Of course, he had an excuse as to why he did this, saying that most couples do it. If the whole road is going to be like this, you don't want to go there anymore. His acts of affection were too sweet, even if it had been like that for less than an hour.

"I do not want to go on foot all the way there. It would be a very pleasant walk, though. Follow me." Suddenly he grabbed your hand, dragging you to the alley between the buildings. Before you could say anything, he pulled you tightly against him, holding you tight. "Hug and close your eyes." he ordered. You hesitated for a moment, but he pressed your face against his chest. "Take it for a while and close your eyes." handed you a suitcases handle. You did what he told you to do. You closed your eyes pressed against him. You didn't know what he was doing now. All you felt was a gust of wind and it felt as if you were falling for a moment. A moment later everything stopped and it was normal. Your hands have pulled the handle and you opened your eyes looking around you. You were already in the building in the corridor. But how? You haven't been walking long and you haven't lost consciousness for a moment. Gojo didn't seem to care at all. As if nothing happened.

"What...? How...?" you turned around you confused.

"Maybe I'll explain it to you one day, but not now, darling. Let me just say yes, we are there." He leaned down to your face, grabbing a few stray hairs next to your face. "Let's go in and pack your things." he reached behind you grasping the doorknob. Looking into your eyes over his glasses he did not miss anything in your eyes. Every glimmer and color were already remembered in his mind. Without looking behind you, he opened the apartment door. He turned you around, lightly pushing in, and quickly followed you in. Inside it was not empty as always. Your father was still there waiting patiently for your return. Of course, he himself hoped you would. When he saw the suitcase in the white-haired's hand, all doubts were dispelled. It meant you agreed. Definitely. In this he was confirmed by the sight of the ring on your finger.

He walked over to the towering man and shook his hand. A hand for consent. They both wanted it, and they successfully sealed their success with a handshake. You stood there and watched as the Gojo handed the check to your father. You wanted to cry again. You really were just the subject of a tender for them. Later, you were sent to your room to go in there one last time and take your belongings.

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