21 - Need🔞

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Warning: NSFW
If you are not comfortable with it, you can skip this chapter. I will always warn you(◠‿◕)

"I need you..."

Saying this, he began kissing you fiercely again. His hands dropped from waist to hips. He began to move them according to his preferences, enjoying the received friction.

Your whole face was hot. You felt his body part harden against your inner thigh. You did not anticipate this. You didn't think his behavior would be for such a reason. Now you've figured out why he was avoiding you. You signed your fate by talking to it or by walking up to it at all. You tried to bring your thighs together a little, but at the same time squeezed his legs, including his penis. He jerked your hips forward with a groan against your lips. The sound he made melted in your mouth as he felt the vibration of your groan. Now there was no turning back. You and he knew it.

Out of curiosity for further new sensations, you tried to kiss me back. But as you did, he stood up holding your hips while you wrapped your legs around his waist. He didn't stop kissing for a moment. Even going straight to the bedroom, he didn't pay attention to what was happening around him. He was just focusing on you. He wanted to prepare you as soon as possible for what will come soon. He will prepare you to do anything he wants to do with you. But first, preparation.

He placed you on the bed hovering over you, placing his hips between your legs. He was breathing a little harder looking at your red face. You were curious how far this would go.

He broke your thoughts by attacking your neck and biting without thinking. You shuddered at the sudden puff of pain combined with mild pleasure. You knew he knew what he was doing but you weren't sure. His movements were sometimes suspect. It pinched your skin rolling your blouse up and left marks there. Suddenly, without warning, he tore it off, leaving you in front of him in your bra. You screamed at the sudden pull and the slight change in temperature.

Never stopped leaving further traces temporarily stuck to your breasts in the soft cups of your bra. He thought this would be the first time he saw you naked. He was too excited to be curious. He ran his tongue over the material before taking a bite while sucking it.

Panic was building in you as he walked on. With the tongue lower and lower down to the navel and abdomen. A tingling sounded up your spine as he gripped the waistband of his pants, lightly lowering them. His eyesight was very lascivious.

Looking at the plain black panties, he smiled insanely. Alarmed by what he was doing, you quickly clenched your thighs, not wanting it to continue. You're not ready for this to happen. His smile faded for a moment. But he thought you were playing with him now. He spread your thighs with his hands, wanting to continue. He grabbed the pants pulling them further if it weren't for your hand grabbing the belt so that they wouldn't drop lower. He looked confused at your face on the way looking at your silhouette. What he wanted to see was covered with your other hand even though you were wearing a bra, then red cheeks and watery eyes combined with quivering lips.

"N-No..." you whispered softly, hoping he had some sense left in him. His smile faded completely.

You didn't want it like he did?

Now he was doing it all to make you want it more.

But he put you off...

He removed his hands from his pants, hovering over you.

"What happened?" he asked not to sound like a cheated guy who just wants to fuck. Even if it was delicate, something must have happened now that you don't want it. "I did something wrong?"

He was slightly worried. He didn't want to stop, but if it's something serious, he'll do it. He was so excited it hurt, but he could have stopped for you.

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