I looked away from her and scoffed, why would I tell some random crazy stranger who I'm about to kill my personal business? "Why would I tell you that? I'm about to kill you after all. Enjoy spending eternity with my 'daddy'." And I raised my hammer and smashed her against the head. I kept smashing her with the hammer until her screams died out and all there was left was a lot of blood and her lifeless body on the cold hard floor.

I stared at her body for a few seconds. Something about this murder just seems... different. Why do I feel guilty about this? Of course I don't actually believe she is my mother, right? That is just crazy talk! My parents died 5 months ago, Boss would never lie to me... right?

I picked her up bridal style and made my way to the window, Jack was there steadily looking at the window waiting for me. Of course he wanted her kidneys, that's the only reason why he loves getting assigned to missions. I handed the body to him and waited until he took out her kidneys to enjoy. Then he picked her up bridal style and we headed our way back to the mansion.

I stayed quiet all the way there, not wanting to talk or say anything to Jack right now. Right now, I'm pretty fucking disgusted that he ate this woman's kidneys, which is weird since I normally don't mind it really.

Clockwork's pov

I woke up from much needed sleep, I stretched and yawned and stretched and yawned until I was fully awake. All I remember was being in the library with Toby, until the sudden feeling of sleepiness occurs to me, and I just walk to my bedroom and slept.

I looked around the room, like how I do every morning, only to figure out this wasn't my bedroom. This was Toby's bedroom! I looked at my side to see Toby asleep next to me. The only thing he had on was his boxers. That's weird, I remember walking into my bedroom not Toby's.

I shrugged it off and thought maybe I was so sleepy I accidentally walked into his bedroom and mistook it for mine. No biggie, I like having sleepovers with him anyway! I got off his bed and headed my way to my room to get dressed. When I opened my door, my room looked like it hasn't been entered in days.

There was some dust on my desktops, the white flower I collected is dead, and my bed covers are straight... weird I made my bed a week ago. (I was living off of coffee and energy drinks since boss assigned me to kill around 100 people and it took me around a week to finish the task) Again, I shrugged it off. Maybe all of this is a misunderstanding, maybe I made my bed last night and forgot about it. I got dressed in my usual everyday clothes and walked out of my room.

I saw Y/n and I excitingly waved at her, but all she did was give me a death glare and walk off. What's her problem? I followed her, and when she realized I was behind her she walked even faster to her bedroom. "Hey, what's the matter with you? Why are you mad at me?" I asked repeatedly, which she continuously ignored my questions and tried to ignore me.

I got tired of her ignoring me and walking away from me in a fast pace, so I grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her around. "Oh my god, what do you want from me?" She snapped, still giving me that same death glare. Her words hit me like a sword to the heart, what did I do to her to piss her off that bad?

"What did I do to you? Why are you mad at me?" It was silent for a few seconds until Y/n scoffed and chuckled. "What did you do to me? Why am I mad at you? Huh, I wonder Clockwork... why am I mad at you? Maybe because you told me you chose your little boyfriend over me and for that reason you can't be my friend anymore because of that. And maybe because before that, you haven't talked to me in days and when I tried to talk to you about that behavior you told me that I am mad because no one wants me. Yeah, I wonder, why am I mad at you?"

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