Chapter Twenty Five

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I stood on a small pedestal facing away from the mirror towards my bridal party. Emma, Ella, My dad, and Ronnie's dad sat on a small white couch examining me as my consultant placed a veil on my head, "what do you think?" I asked everyone and got a jumbled answer of everyone talking at once. I smiled and turned around to look at myself.
The light pink dress covered in a simple layer of lace hugged my body tightly and flared outward towards the bottom. It was a simple dress, but I'm a simple girl. "I love it." I said holding back the tears of joy. I picked up the dress and twirled around so the wind picked it up. When I stopped back at the mirror I saw my smile for a split second than everything went black.
My world spun and it wasn't long until I felt myself drop off the edge out the pedestal and my body slammed on the floor with a thud. I heard people yell my name and my eyes opened not long after they closed.
My vision was blurry when I could see again. People were gathered around me asking if I was okay and trying to help me up. I shook them all off, "stop fucking touching me." I sat up and dropped my head into my knees. It was like I was drifting in and out of a dream. Everything spun and I felt the I was burning out. In the matter of two seconds I felt like I was dying.
"Come on," Ronnie's dad lifted me up, "we're going to the hospital."
The consultant changed my clothes in the speed of light and before I knew it I was waiting alone in an examination room in the weird scrub dress people wear at the doctors. My dad and Ronnie's sat in the waiting room and Emma and Ella went home after we made it here. I felt a little better now, still felt like total shit, but better than before.
There was a knock on the door and seconds later it opened. A young man with with black hair and lab coat walked in. "Hello, Miss Duffy. I'm going to be your doctor today. " He snapped on the gloves and sat on a chair beside me with a clipboard, "My name is doctor Chase, but you can call be Ben." He smiled, "why don't you tell me your trouble?"
I must admit, he was attractive. He had a full sleeve, that I could see peeking from the coat, and double zero stretched ears, and a pierced lip. Its not every day you see someone with body modifications be successful, what with all the bigotry of today generation. I was impressed.
"Well, Ben, I was trying on wedding gowns and just passed out." He scribbled something down.
"Oh! Congratulations on the engagement!" He got up and went to a cabinet to pull out a little tray.
"Thank you."
He places the tray beside me and took out a needle and a small vital and attached the two, "I'm just going to take some blood to test sugar levels. This'll pinch." He skid the needle in my arm and the dark red liquid flooded into the vital. When it was full he pulled the needle out and sick a bandaid on my arm, "we'll test this and I'll be back in five minutes." I nodded and with that he left the room.
I sighed and laid down wishing Ronnie was here. Right now he's with the band doing an interview at least two hours away. He'll never get here before I leave. I stared to think about what could be wrong with me. And like every human being that has internet on their phone, I googled my symptoms. And according to a medical page I found, I either have a brain tumor or Ebola.
There was a knock at the door again and Ben walked in. I sat up with my heart pumping and sweaty palms. The chances of me having Ebola is nonexistent but the thought tormented me. He took a seat on the chair, "we found out what cause your blackout. Your blood sugar is very low. Have you been eating as much folic acid as you can?"
I pressed my lips in a hard line, "what's that?"
He laughed and sighed at the same time, "you can get folic acid by eating greens like spinach. Eat as much as you can starting now." He flipped to a blank page and wrote something down and handed it to me, "these are some prenatal vitamins that are really good."
I stared at the paper and my heart stopped. "Woah, rewind. Prenatal vitamins?"
"Yes. Did your OB/GYN tell you nothing? You need these things to help you baby grow."
I stared into his eyes in shock, "baby?"
"You don't know you're pregnant do you?" I shook my head quickly, "well, um, congratulations!"
I laid on a metal bed with a mattress pad placed on it. My shirt was lifted just below my bra, exposing my stomach. My eyes were squeezed shut tightly as the lab technician moved the sonogram wand around looking for the supposed baby. My stomach did fast somersaults inside my body and my heart beat was faster that I thought possible. Never in my entire life did I see myself as a mother. I had a way with most children that usually resulted in them crying.
"Aha! Found 'em!" My eyes flew to the screen where the doctors finger pointed. I could kind of see the shape of a very tiny head but it just looked like a little blob, a blip if you will. But as soon as I saw it my heart melted and I fell in love with the blip. "Looks like you're just about a month along. Would you like a printed photo?"
I need unable to speak. He screen captured the photo and it printed out just below the computer and handed it to me. He wiped my belly clean and left the room.
I stared down at the photo with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. Right now there is a tiny person growing inside of me. It's kinda creepy when I think about it but at the same time the only word that flashes in front of my eyes is mommy. I put the photo of Little Radke in my wallet and collected myself to leave.
I walked calmly to the waiting room trying not to give anything away. Not telling anyone, especially Ronnie who made it clear he was not ready to be a father, was in my best interest. When I walked through the glass door it was my dad Ronnie's dad, and Ronnie's who were all waiting for me. They ran up and engulfed me in a mess of arms.
"What happened? Did they figure out what was wrong?" My dad asked.
"Um, yeah. I just haven't eaten today and my blood sugar dropped."
I saw the relief in all their eyes as Ronnie took me into another hug. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here."
I placed my hand over my belly, "it's alright."
A/N unexpected!

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