Chapter Eleven

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Ronnie looked at me with wide and apologetic eyes after seeing the cops and dropped his head onto mine. I felt bad because this was sorta suppose to be special and romantic and cute and now somehow that got ruined. I knew what he was thinking just by looking at his sulking face, that it's all ruined now. That I won't like him after this which is the exact opposite of how I feel.
He sighed and picked me up to move to the shore. I saw him shoot daggers at the cops with his eyes and even with the seriousness of this sticky situation I couldn't help but giggle against his chest. He set me down when I could finally walk on my own and looked at me like was totally insane for laughing which maybe I was but for some reason I found this hilarious and I wanted him to know it's alright. A smile stretched across his face when he looked at me and he took my hand in his tightly as we made our way to shore.
"We should run." I said a little too loudly making him give me an unreadable look making me wonder if I was scaring him away. I shrugged and smiled at him, "it'll make a good story." I said with a smile.
He just looked at me with a smile and eyes that seemed older than he really is. I looked to the shore and wondered what he was thinking right now. I know this man has been through so much and I want to help him forget it all and be happy but so far with all that's happened I don't know if he'll even bother with me anymore.
When we finally reached dry land both cops stood in front of us with serious faces.
"This it's private property. There's a no trespassing sign right there. What are you doing here?" Ronnie explained how it was all just one big misunderstanding while I made flirty faces at both the short and fat cops. Ronnie caught me a couple of times and gave me weird looks but I just kept flirting and giving sassy responses to every question.
After they finished with their lineup of questions they tossed its our clothes, recited the Miranda rights, and led us to the cruiser. Ronnie climbed in first getting behind the passenger seat. I tossed all my clothes in but my pants and dug into the pocket. The cop standing in front of me was patient with me but kept rolling his eyes. My fingers finally closed around the pack of cigarettes I had stored in there and I pulled it out with an aha!
The cop's eyes bugged out in anger when I popped one between my teeth and said, "can I get a light?" His face turned red and he ripped the cig from my mouth, hand cuffed me, and shoved be into the car with a slam of the door.
Ronnie helped me sift into my seat correctly then busted out laughing. I laughed along with him feeling alive and happy, "Well, good girl, I think I was wrong about you. Maybe you're a bad girl." I giggled and scooted closer to him and he out his arm protectivly around me. We were still both very naked and dripping wet from the water since the cops didn't let us get dressed but he was warm against my body and I felt at home in the back of this barred car.
When the cops got into the front of the car I leaned forward and tried to flirt our way out out trouble but they weren't falling for it. I looked back to Ronnie with a smirk to see he was already looking at me. I finally gave up and sat back to talk with Ronnie.
It took a long time to get to the station but I didn't really care much. Me and Ronnie talked and laughed and really got to know each other on the way here. I'd never been in that kind of trouble before and I was happy here was there with me.
They escorted us inside and to the holding cell where we sat together for a long time still talking about sweet nothings.
"I'm sorry about tonight." He said with a nervous laugh. I just smiled at him letting him know I didn't mind in the least bit. I had fun. "If we get out of here tonight, I swear you're dad is going to kill me."

I took his hand tightly, "it was worth."

He smiled and kissed my forehead lightly, "I wouldn't change one thing."

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