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I am no hero.

A hero is typically a person who accomplished something so great that others humans look up to them, idolize them. Want to become them.

Most people, when they hear the word 'hero', they think of someone like Superman, Batman, Iron man, even the Incredible Hulk. I suppose this is a reasonable reaction as these men are classified as superheroes. But a hero can be much more than someone's imagination running wild.

A hero can be a police man who comes to your home in the middle of the night when you think you heard a noise downstairs. A hero can be the firefighter who helps you out of your car when you can in an accident. A hero can be that little old man down the street from you who smiles at you every morning although you've never even spoke to him.

You see, a "hero" can be anyone at all. It doesn't have to be a strong man who can fly. It all depends on the person who needs said hero in their life.

For me in particular, I've only ever had one kind of hero and they stand on stage in front of thousands of people making music.

The unrecognized man in the back who holds two sticks. He's the heartbeat, the most important perhaps of the group.

The man who hold the hollow box with some strings. He's the blood flow, What keep everything together.

The man with the microphone. He's the brain, the one who ties it all together.

Music is a complicated system, a body if you will. Without one thing it could fall apart. So, for me, music is my hero.

But me? I am no hero. So why do people keep saying I am?

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