Chapter Twenty Three

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I sat on the hard ground of a venue in Las Vegas for Ronnie's benefit concert for Christmas while the guys set up their stuff on stage for sound check. A black leather notebook lay in my lap and I scribble down a doodle of wedding cakes. “Ronnie!” I yelled into my tiny microphone.

He jumped and turned around to face me, “what do you want?” he said in mock sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, “Chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet?”

“Oh! Red velvet for sure!” I wrote it down and finished working on a small flower in the corner of the page. I've always been and organized person. So while most people hire a wedding planner, I'm taking matters into my own hands. If you want something right do it yourself, that's what my dad always said.
I never thought I'd be excited to get married but as I get into the planning I find myself feeling the jitters of excitement and butterflies. We have a basic idea of what we want, the only thing that needs to be done is prices, guests, and telling our dads which is happening tonight at dinner.
I closed my my book with a sigh and looked up to my fiancee as he did what he loved to do.
When people started to file into the venue I decided it was a good time to get up off the floor and go backstage where it's safe from crazy fans. Back there was calm besides Ronnie's vocal warm ups and Jacky practices on his guitar. "Hey, Piper, make sure you've got some good booze there." Ryan said pointing at my notebook. I just nodded and went to go sit behind and amp.
The noise from the crowd got increasingly louder as more people showed up and by the time the boys went on my ears were already ringing. While they preformed I sat on a little stool behind Ryan or on an amp at the front of the stage or I'd have the security guard throw me into the audience to crowd surf a little bit, which was kind of dangerous, but hey, you only live once so go fucking nuts. There are perks to be engaged to a band member.
After the concert ended I walked with the sweaty boys to the back door of the venue where we're all parked. Back there was about a dozen or so fans waiting for us. They played it cool when we approached them with hands extended. We spent about twenty minutes chatting to them and the even asked me, a nobody, for a picture. I must admit, they were pretty cool and I didn't even mind being late for dinner.
After Ronnie had showered and we both got appropriately dressed for dinner with parents we headed out. It took a little more than ten minutes to get to the restaurant and that made us a half hour late but when we approached the table our dads we're having a conversation with smiles and laughs.
I took Ronnie's arm and let him guide me to the table. When our dads saw us walking towards them, the stopped talking and stood up. I shook Ronnie's dad's hand and Ronnie shook my dad's hand and we switched and greeted our fathers with hugs. "Its nice to see you again, Mr. Duffy."
"Likewise." I scooted into the booth on the inside right in front of my dad.
Ronnie and my dad engaged in a conversation about the history of rock and roll and who's better between Kiss, AC/DC, or Aerosmith after the waiter took our orders and let us alone. I stared down at my glass of iced coke and played with the bubbles in the drink only occasionally looking up to sneak peeks between Ronnie and his father. I could see the resemblance of the two. Ronnie has his nose and the slenderness of the face. Also the small crease between the eyebrows appeared exactly the same on both men.
When the waiter showed up with our food my blood started pumping. Ronnie had said to wait five minutes after everyone started to eat to announce the engagement. I had not idea how my dad would take it. Though he seemed to like Ronnie now it may change the minute he sees the ring. When I peeked up from my plate I locked eyes with Ronnie's dad. He stared at me for a second then smirked knowingly at me with a nod before looking away again. Something about this small gesture called me right down. I took a sip of my drink and grabbed Ronnie's hand.
"I have something to say." I said and they all looked at me. I looked to Ronnie's dad and he gave me a nod out encouragement. "Dad, Mr. Radke, Ronnie and I are engaged." I held up my hand to display the ring.
My father leaned forward and spit his drink everywhere, "you're what!?"
The peacefulness that was in his eyes was gone and he glared at the two of us. "That's wonderful!" Ronnie's dad said trying to lighten the mood.
"Wonderful? Are you mad?" He shrugged at my dad, "they're so young! 25 is too young for marriage!"
"Actually," Ronnie's dad piped up, "Ronnie is 31."
My dad's eyes bugged out, "absolutely not." He stood up and grabbed my wrist, "I will not allow this. We're going home and you can't see him again." I looked to Ronnie for help but he stood there stunned and also held back by his dad.
I took a deep breath and pulled my arm away losing my balance for a second, "no! Dad, you can't do that!"
"The Hell I can't!"
I stepped away from him, "what are your afraid of? I'm not that scared and sad little girl anymore, dad. Can't you see how perfectly happy I am? Or at least was ten seconds ago. No. I'm not letting you stop me. We're getting married whether you're there or not." I snatched up my purse and hurried away from the scene.

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