15: Moving In

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Diana's POV

                                                                                      1 year later

It has been 1 year since me and Dr.Brett have been dating. And 1 year since I had Maddy. Today I am moving in with him so we can take care of Maddy in the same house instead of going back and forth to each other's houses. While I was finishing taping the last box I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find Dr.Brett and the moving people. Once they got the last box we left. When we got to his house we got all the boxes out of the truck and put them in the house. Once they all were in I untapped the first box but while I was doing it Dr.Brett backed hugged me. " Why don't we do this later." He told me while still back hugging me. " If I do this later I won't ever want to do it." I said while turning around putting my hands around his neck. But before I could kiss him on the lips Maddy pulled on my pants leg. " I can't find my doggy," She said. " Well let's look for it in one of these boxes." I let go of Dr.Brett to help Maddy find her dog.

While all three of us were sitting on the couch. Dr.Brett's maid said that dinner was ready. So we got up to eat dinner. Once we got done eating dinner I got Maddy ready for bed. Once I got Maddy to bed I went to mine and Dr.Brett's bed room to find Dr.Brett shit less in bed. So I went through the door. I got into my night wear and got in bed right next to him. 

I woke up the next morning to Maddy jumping on the bed. " I'm Hungry" She Yelled. Dr.Brett woke up to her jumping and yelling. So he grabbed her and started to tickle her making her laugh. While he was doing that I decided to join in. While I was tickling her I just thought that I have the best family and I wouldn't change it for the world.

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