10: Date with Dr.Brett

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Diana's POV

                                                                         The next day

I woke up to Maddy's crying. Once I got her to stop crying I went to sit on the couch to finish watching my show. While I was watching I got a text from both Selena and Dr.Brett.

                                                               The text with Selena

Selena: Girl are you ready for your date with that doctor

Diana: Like I said it's not a date

Selena: Girl you need to stop thinking it's not a date because I know it is a date

Diana: No matter how much you say that it's a date. I will know that it's not

Selena: Fine, but if he says it's a date than you are paying my rent for the next year

Diana: OK OK

                                                                The text with Dr.Brett

Dr.Brett: Be ready by 6pm

Diana: Ok, Where will the restaurant be?

Dr:Brett: It;s a surprise

Diana's POV

" Well at least he texted back" I said out loud. But then I heard Maddy's cries. So I picked up Maddy and fed her. Once I got done feeding her I got to watching TV. After being on TV all day I checked the time. " It's 5:40, Shit I got ta get ready before he gets here." I told myself out loud. I ran to my bedroom to the closet to get an outfit ready. I didn't know what to wear so I texted Selena.

Text with Selena

Diana: I don't know what to wear and I only have 20 minutes until he gets here

Selena: If it's a date wear something date appropriate

Diana: Like I said it's not a date

Selena: Fine, Why don't you wear something comfortable

Diana: Really, I will chose something myself

After Selena was no help at all I decided to wear something decent. So I put on a black shirt with a black skirt. With black high heels. Once I got fully dressed I checked the time and it was 6 pm on the dot. I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it to find Dr.Brett. He looked at me and said, " You look nice today". I blushed. " Thanks" I answered back. I heard the elevator door and looked to find Selena right on time for me to leave. " So I am late Diana was texting me" She looked at me while saying it. After she said that me and Dr.Brett were ready to go. So she came into my house. But before I could get out the door she whispered to me. " Have fun on your date" before I could whisper back she pushed me out the door and shut it. " That bitch" I said to myself. Dr.Brett put his hand tordes me and I took it and we left to go to dinner.

Once we got to the restaurant he wanted to take me to, a waiter took us to our table and asked what we wanted to drink. Dr.Brett got a wine that he always gets and I decided to get the same thing. Once she took our drink orders she left to go get them. " So, why did you want to have dinner with just me today?" I told him after the waiter left. " I wanted to see if what Selena said was actually true" after he said that I looked away feeling embarrassed. " Well, I don't know what you mean. " I knew you were watching." "Shit" I said to myself. He looked at me waiting for an answer. I didn't want to answer him but I knew I had to tell him the truth. " OK, Yes I was watching, and what Selena said was true." He looked at me with a happy face. But before he could tell me what he wanted to say the waiter came back with our drinks. She asked us for our food order. I told her mine first then Dr.Brett told her his order then she left. Once she left he told me something that surprised me. " The reason I wanted to take you out for dinner. Was because I like you too." I was so happy that he felt the same way I did. We didn't say anything after that. 

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