07: Baby Name

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Diana's POV:

                                                                                A few days later

After our first kiss 3 days ago he asked me on a date so we can learn more about ourselves. So I got ready. I wore a blue maternity dress and blue sandals. Once I got fully ready there was a knock on the door. When I opened the door Dr.Brett was standing there with my favorite drink in his hand. He handed me the drink and I took it and started drinking it. " Are you ready to go?" He asked me. " Yea, Let me get my bag." I left to go grab my bag from the counter. Once I got my bag I went back to the door and Dr.Brett was still standing there he extended his hand to me and I took it and we started walking to his car. Once we got to his car he opened the door for me then he went to his side. On the way to the restaurant we talked about random stuff. Once we got to the restaurant we both opened the door and went inside. The waiter took us to our table and took our drink order. We both got water then she left and we started talking again. I wanted to ask him a question so bad but I decided to wait until the car ride home.

After getting our drinks and ordering our food and eating we left the restaurant. On the way home I decided to ask him the question I had been wanting to ask. " I have something I have been wanting to ask you." He looked at me for a few seconds and went back to looking at the road.

" How are we going to do this back and forth thing with our child?" After I asked him that question he didn't say anything until we got to my house. Instead of answering he just kissed me. I kissed back. " Instead of going back and forth, why don't we do this together?" He told me while still holding my face. I am glad he said that because I really liked him.

A few month's of hanging out and going on more dates we started to get more close. I was only One more month away from giving birth. I am so excited I finally get to see my baby girl. We haven't thought of a name yet. Today me and Selena are thinking about different names to name her. " What about Selena after me?" "No, I don't want my child to have your name." "Well, why don't you go ask your boyfriend for help." " What boyfriend?" I gave her a confused look. " You're boyfriend Dr.Brett." "He's not my boyfriend." " I thought y'all were dating with all the dates y'all been on." " I mean I wish we were dating but I don't know if he would date a girl like me." " Why would you think that?" I looked behind me to see Dr.Brett behind me. " When did you get here?" I asked him confused. " I heard we were naming our child and I could not miss it." After he said that I looked at Selena. " Don't look at me, I didn't call him." I looked back at Dr.Brett. " I did get a text" He showed me his phone to see a text from me saying. 'Come over we are thinking of baby names and need your help' after I read that message I looked at Selena knowing that she texted him.

After a long time of thinking of a name for our baby we came up with Maddy. I liked it. Selena liked it. And Dr.Brett liked it. So we named our child Maddy. After we named our child Selena left, leaving me and Dr.Brett. I looked up at Dr.Brett and realized I don't even know his first name. He probably knew what I was thinking. " My first name is Jackson." After he said his name he sat down beside me. " So why don't you think I don't like you." I didn't want to say what came to mind but I know he doesn't like to wait for someone to talk. " Well, first I am pregnant and–" But before I could finish my sentence he pulled me into a kiss

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