08: Birth

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Diana's POV:

                                                                                   A few days later

After our kiss he left without saying anything. I woke up today feeling a really bad cramp in my lower abdomen but I just rubbed it off. I was sitting on the couch eating ice cream and watching my favorite show when the cramps started to come back but again I rubbed it off. A few minutes later the cramps came back again but this time I thought something was actually wrong but I still did nothing. But just 5 minutes later it came back. Then another 5 minutes, Went to another 5v minutes. Selena came right on time. She saw that I was having really bad cramps and took me to the hospital. When I got to the hospital they said I was giving birth in a few minutes and that I came right on time. I wanted to text Dr.Brett but I didn't think that I had time. Without me even knowing Selena Called Dr.Brett/Jackson and he came really quick.

After hours of giving birth my baby girl came into the world. Me and Dr.Brett were happy that she finally came. " She is so cuteeee" Selena said too loud and made Maddy cry. I tried to make her stop crying but she wouldn't. So I gave her to Dr.Brett and she stopped crying on the spot. I was jealous even though I should have been. After she stopped crying he gave her back to me.

After a few days in the hospital we left. I took my baby girl home while Dr.Brett was driving his car to my house. Once we got home Maddy was still sleeping while me and Dr.Brett sat on the couch. While we were talking Selena came running through the door. " Where is my little girl?" She was yelling when she walked in and woke up Maddy. Once I heard Maddys little cries I ran to go get her. Once I held her she stopped crying so I took her and went to the living room but before I could go in the room I heard Selena talking to Dr.Brett so I decided to listen to what she was telling him.

Dr.Brett's POV

" So has Diana told you how much she likes you?"I looked at her with a confused look. " I can tell by your confused look she hasn't. She talks about you alot" Once she told me that I was so happy but I didn't show it. I just looked at her to see if she would say more. But before she could speak Diana came into the room with Maddy in her hands.

Diana's POV

Before Selena could say more about me liking Dr.Brett I walked into the living room with Maddy and sat next to Dr.Brett. My hands got tired while holding Maddy. I gave her to Dr.Brett so he could hold his daughter too. After a while he left because he had to go back to work so he gave me back Maddy then left. 

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