09: Having Dinner With Dr.Brett

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Diana's POV

                                                                      A few days after that

Today I woke up to Maddy crying. " I never knew how hard it is to take care of a newborn," I told myself. After making Maddy stop crying I gave her some milk. While I was giving her some Milk I got a call from Dr.Brett. " Hello," He said on the phone. " Hello," I answered back. " Do you mind if we have dinner together so I can see Maddy". "Yea sure where are we going to meet." "I can pick you up and be ready by 5" Before I could answer he hung up. " Oh god I hate when he does that" I said out loud. Once Maddy was done eating I burped her and put her beside me. I turned on the tv to watch my favorite show and she started to cry again. " I guess I won't be watching my show."

Once it hit 4 I started to get Maddy ready first. After I got her fully dressed I got ready. Since I am not pregnant anymore I can finally wear a dress. So I put on a blue motherly dress and blue sandals. When I checked the time it was only 4:30. So I went to watch my show and feed Maddy. Once I got done feeding her I heard a knock on the door and got up to answer it. I found Dr.Brett standing at the door. I gave Maddy to him and went to go get her stroller. After I got her stroller I went back to the door and put Maddy in the stroller and we went to the elevator. Once we got down to the first floor we went through the front doors. Instead of going to his car we decided to walk to the restaurant instead of driving there.

Once we got to the restaurant a waiter took us to our table. I put the stroller in between me and Dr.Brett. Once we got fully seated a waiter came and took our drink order. I got water and Dr.Brett got the wine he always gets when we go out to eat. When she got our drink orders she left. We didn't say anything. Once she got back with our drinks she took our order. Once she got our order she left and he finally said a word. " So how is Maddy doing. Sorry I have been working so much that I haven't been able to see her." " She has been good but cries at midnight every night." I told him but he just laughed. " That's what babies are supposed to do." " If I could kill this man I would" I told myself.

Once we got done eating we left. On the way home he told me something that I was happy on the inside. " Why don't we have dinner tomorrow, just the two of us." " I would love too" After that we got to my house. Once we got to the front door of the apartment complex we bid our goodbyes. He left and I went to my apartment to call Selena what he said.

" You're joking, he asked you on a date." " It's not a date, just dinner with the two of us." "Diana, he asked you on a date without saying a date." "It's probably not a date. Why would he like a girl like me?" " Diana I knew you were watching, he looked happy." " It's probably a date but I Don't think it is." After we talked for a while I hung up the phone and put Maddy to bed. I was still thinking if he really asked me on a date or not. 

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