06: The Doctor's Appointment

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Diana's POV:

                                                                                 2 months later

Today is my appointment to see the gender of my baby. Today I had to go to the doctors where Dr.Brett works because every doctor's place I called said they didn't have any more room beside where he works. So I got ready and left my house for the appointment. When I got to the doctor's I told them my name and went to sit and wait for the doctor to call me back. When the nurse called my name I went back to a room where the nurse took me to. She told me to sit and wait for the doctor to come and check on me. I just hoped that the doctor checking on me is not Dr.Brett. When the doctor came into the room I saw that it was Dr.Brett. He pretended to not know me. Once he took all the stuff he needed to check the gender he started. Once he got done he told me that the baby was a "girl". I was so happy to find out that it was a baby girl. Dr.Brett told the nurses to leave the room and he wanted to talk to me privately. Once all the nurses left the room he turned to me. " I wanted to talk to you about the baby." " I kinda figured you told all the nurses to leave." I didn't want to talk to him but I still listened. " I want to be in the baby's life. I know I wasn't there for your pregnancy. If you don't want me to be in her life then that's fine. But If you do, please text me." He left the room after that.

When I got home I found Selena on my couch waiting for me. " So what's the gender, I hope it's a girl" She said when I walked through the door. " Yes it's a girl, but Dr.Brett was my doctor." " Oh, what did he say." " He wanted to know if I would let him in the baby's life but I don't know."

" You should if you want the baby to have a father." " I don't know he wasn't there for me but I do want the child to have a father." " Well, Why don't you think about it?" She said then left. I was thinking about this all night thinking if I should let him be a father or not.

I woke up feeling really hungry so I went to go make some food but when I got to the refrigerator there was no food. I was about to get ready to go get food but there was a knock on the door. So I went to answer it and found Dr.Brett at the door with a bag of food. " I brought you some food. I don't know if you like Spaghetti but I brought you some." I let him after he said spaghetti. I have been craving spaghetti. He handed me the bag and I took it and went to sit on my couch. I took out the food and set it on the table and started eating. I looked up from my food and found Dr.Brett looking at me. "Why don't you come sit beside me." After I said that he came and sat beside me. I saw that there were two boxes in the bag so I grabbed one for him to eat. He took it and started eating. We sat there for a while just eating until I broke the silence. " I was thinking and I will let you be a father to our child." He looked at me happy. " I just thought that our child should have a mother and a father." Without saying anything he just kissed me. Without thinking I kissed back. This is our first kiss since the first time we met. While we were kissing I just found out how much I actually like him. 

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