02: The Next Morning

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 Diana's POV:

I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing when I looked at my phone. Selena was calling me. So I picked it up "Hello Diana where are you.You are late for school" after she said that I checked the time and it was 6:12 am once I checked the time I got up. " Shit, I woke up too late." " Well I don't care if you woke up late or not, you got to be in school in 20 mins so you better get up and get ready." After she said that she hung up before I could say something else. Once she hung up the phone I looked around and found out I was not in my room." Where the fuck am I." I got up from the random bed I was sleeping on. I looked at the end of the bed and found my dress from last night. So I looked down and saw that I was wearing men's clothes. I was confused as to why I was in men's clothes and not in my room. When I got my dress from the end of the bed I went downstairs. Once I got down from the stars I saw a man sitting at a table eating Breakfast with another plate next to him. "Are you going to keep staring or come and eat breakfast before it gets cold?" He told me without looking away from his food. So I went to the seat next to him and sat down and started eating. When I was half way done with my food he got up from the spot and took his plate into the kitchen. Once he got out of the kitchen he stood beside me. " I have some girl clothes upstairs. I will have one of my maids put some out for you." Before I could ask him something he walked out the front door.

When I got done eating the breakfast he or his maids made. One maid came up to me and brought me up the stairs to the room where she put the clothes for me to wear today. Once I got fully ready I left his house on my way to school. I didn't know where I was but while I walked down a black limo came up from behind me and stopped beside me. A man came out of the car. "Hello miss, Mr. Brett told me to give you a ride to your college." I am guessing that's his last name. I was skeptical about going into his limo and how he knew I went to college or what college but I went in anyways. Once we got to my college the driver got out of the car and came and opened the door for me. When I got out of the limo people were staring at me. I knew why they were staring at me because I got out of a limo when they knew I took the bus here. Once I checked my phone I saw that I had only 3 minutes to get to my class before it started. I was running down the hall to my English class and when I got to the door I was only one minute before class started. " Well you got here in time" I turned around to see who said that and found my professor." "Yea, Right on time" After I said that, me and the professor went into the class. I went to my best friend Selena while the professor went to teach.

Once class ended me and Selena went to our next class." Where were you? I went to your house but you weren't there." I didn't want to tell her where I actually was. I just told her something fake. "Well, While I was waiting for you to get done I went to my brother's house." I thought she would have believed me because my brother's apartment was near the club. " If you were with your brothers then why did you get out of the limo? I know he doesn't own a limo so tell me where you actually were. Before I could get out of this conversation I saw the classroom. " Oh I will tell you later I see my next class" Before she could yell at me I ran to the classroom. Once I got into the classroom the professor started class. When class was over I got my things and was the last person out of the class. I thought I wouldn't see Selena but she was standing there waiting for me and I knew I could never get out of this conversation. Once she saw me she ran towards me and grabbed my arm. " Where are we going?" " We are going to get lunch and you tell me where you actually were last night.

When we got to the restaurant a waiter sat us down at a table and asked what we wanted to drink. Once she got our drink order she walked away and Selena turned to me. "So where were you last night and you are not getting out of this. This time Diana" Right after she said that I swallowed hard. I didn't want to tell her I lost my virginity to a complete stranger but she is my best friend so I told her the truth. " So when you go have sexy with a random guy again. There was this guy who came up to me because he saw that I was alone and walked up to me. He then took me to the dance floor and we started dancing together." Before I could finish my sentence the waiter came up with our water. Once she put the drinks down she asked us what we wanted to eat. We told her what we wanted to eat and she left and Selena looked back at me to continue talking. " As I was saying, Once we got done dancing he took me home and we maybe had sex." She looked at me excited. "OMG, my bestie lost her virginity." When she said that she said it way too loud and everybody looked at us weird. "What are y'all looking at" Selena told everybody that was looking at us. After she said that to the people and they looked away and our food came and we started eating.

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