03:Pregnancy Test

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Diana's POV:

                                                                              A few weeks later

I woke up this morning feeling sick. I was so sick that I had to call my best friend Selena. Once she got here she opened the door with the key I gave her. When she walked into my room I saw that she had a bag in her hand. " What's in the bag?" " Glad that you asked. Since you are sick in the morning I decided to get you a pregnancy test." " Selena this is my first day sick, how can I be pregnant" "I don't know you can at least take it and see." " I will take it but just letting you know I am not pregnant". I took the pregnancy test from her hand and went to the bathroom. After a few minutes of taking this stupid pregnancy test I decided to turn it around to see if I am pregnant or not. When I looked at the test I saw that it had two lines which meant I am "pregnant". "This cant be because he used a condom." "Are you good in there or do I need to break down the door?" I opened the door and saw Selena standing there waiting for me to show her the pregnancy test. So I flipped it over so she could see and gave a shocked face. "Did he use a condom?" "Yes, I saw him put it on." Maybe we should go to the doctor and see if the positive is real." I gave her a nod after she said that and we left my house and went to the doctor.

When we got to the doctors. "May I help you?" "Um, we took a pregnancy test and we wanted to see if this positive is real." "Ok, if you can sit in the waiting until a nurse calls you." After she said that, me and Selena went to the waiting area to sit and wait for a nurse to call me to go back. "Diana Ross," the nurse called me. Right after she said my name I walked up to her and then we walked to the back. Once we got to the room the nurse said for me to stay in the room while she went and got the doctor. After a few minutes the doctor came in and once I looked at my doctor I was shocked it was the guy I had a one night stand with. Once he saw me he also gave me a shocked look. But he pretended to not know me. "So, Diana Ross, what are you doing here today." " Well I took a pregnancy test and it said it was positive and I wanted to see if the positive was wrong or right. He gave me a confused look. I just hope he doesn't think it's his if I am actually pregnant. He took my blood for a pregnancy blood test. After he took some of my blood he left the room. After a while he came back and told me the news. " So we checked your blood and you are actually pregnant." I should be happy but I am not. I am too young to be pregnant. " I am still in college. How can I take care of a baby and do school." " Well you can do an abortion." After he said that I thought this baby is my blood and that I shouldn't abort this baby. "Thank You doctor." Then I left the room and went to check out in the front. Once Selena saw me she ran up to me wanting to know the answer. "I will tell you when we get home" She nodded her head and we left to go home.

"You are actually pregnant. What are you going to do about school and the baby?" " I don't know I want to keep the baby because it is mine and his blood and I can't abort the baby without telling him." " Well, when will you tell him about the baby?" " I don't know, I can't tell him now" After our conversation about the pregnancy Selena left and I went to sleep thinking if I should tell him or not.

Dr.Brett's POV:

                                                                                    At home

I was on my bed laying down thinking about Diana and being pregnant. Why was that one girl there? Is she pregnant with my baby? I am confused if the baby is mine or not. How can it be mind I used a condom I think it broke. Or she got pregnant by another man. That can't be she can't be 6 weeks pregnant so it has to be mine. " Mr.Brett, your dinner is ready" After Miss.Linda said that she left my room to go home. After thinking about this for a few minutes I went down to go and eat my dinner but by the time I got there the food got cold so I heated it up in the microwave and went to sit down and eat. But while I was eating the food Miss. Linda cooked for me. I was still thinking about Diana and the pregnancy. 

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