"See this? If she turns, I'll throw her out the window so she can't attack you." Suhyeok spoke, everyone watched in silence with a few letting out small sighs.

"Suhyeok." Cheongsan continued to try to reason with the boy but was immediately met with denial.

"Don't say anything, asshole."

"You don't need to do this." Namra finally spoke again, causing Suhyeok to turn to face her.

"You stay quiet too." Suhyeok spoke lightly to the girl as I watched Cheongsan move the music stands position in his hands as he prepared to hit the class president.

"Don't come close. I warned you." Suhyeok demanded as we all watched Cheongsan approach the two.

"Screw you." I could hear Cheongsan swear at the boy, his voice still laced with hatred as he did so. "I warned you first."

"Stay away." Suhyeok demanded as he, once again, walked in front of Namra protectively.

"Gyeongsu was enough. Jiwon as well. Did you not see how much it affected Jihye?" After hearing this many turned to look at me as Cheongsan continued, "Look at how different she is to before. I won't risk losing any more friends. Get out of the way."

"Stay away." Suhyeok continued to demand before he charged at the boy, "I told you to stop it, fucker." He tried to grab the stand off of Cheongsan before both stopped at an unexpected shout echoed through the room.

"Stop it, both of you!" Namra shouted, I could see pain evident on her face as everyone looked around in surprise. "If I feel strange at all... I'll make sure I die."

"I'm sorry but-" Cheongsan tried to speak but was immediately interrupted.

"No need to be sorry. I'm not sorry towards any of you either." The class president announced, looking like she was staring into nothing.

"I'm sorry." Cheongsan still apologised, I could see a slight glimpse of guilts flash over his face as he did so.

"Suhyeok. Push me if I turn." Namra quickly turned around, grabbing a hold of the window frame as she pulled herself up onto the window causing Suhyeok to immediately run over to her in surprise.

I watched as both remained in their position by the window in silence as everyone remained still in their place, Cheongsan stood with the music stand still in his hand, ready to attack if needed.

I watched as Onjo walked over to the boy grabbing a hold of his arm. Though I couldn't hear what was being said, I could tell from their facial expressions that they had come to some sort of disagreement.

I turned back to watch as Namra leaned her head against the window frame, nervousness hitting me as I knew that if she turned, that would mean I lost another friend. A small sigh left my mouth as I continued to look at both of the two. It was as clear as day that both liked each other as their hands still remained connected with each other.

All of sudden Namra grabbed onto Suhyeok's neck, pulling him as it looked like she was biting him.

"Namra!" I shouted as I watched Cheongsan charge at the two with the stand but Suhyeok was quick enough to block Namra from the hit as the small thwack echoed through the room.

"Get out of the way!" Cheongsan demanded as he held the stand in front of him, ready to attack.

"Don't do it." Suhyeok demanded as he looked at the boy, I could see Namra looking quite unwell behind him.

"Move!" Cheongsan still remained persistent on attacking the girl as Suhyeok eventually charged at him, holding him back against a table as this eventually led to the beginning of a fight.

I saw Namra fall onto the floor, causing me to immediately let go of Wujin's hands and run over to her, I immediately fell onto my knees as I arrived in front of her, grabbing a hold of her hand whilst whispering comforting words for her.

I could hear crashing sounds come from behind me as my back was turned to the two boys as I could hear Daesu trying to break the two out of it.

"Stop it. Are you blind? Can't you see Namra?" I could hear Onjo speak up as my focus still remained on Namra, her left eye was turning red as she looked like she was about to throw up. "She would have blood on her mouth if she bit him. Did you see it?"

I could hear pants come from Namra as it seemed like she was struggling to breathe, I had suggested closing her eyes as she also looked quite dizzy, to which she immediately followed as I rubbed my thumb against her hand gently.

"Is she bleeding? No, right?" Onjo continued, I had finally turned to see Suhyeok holding Cheongsan as Onjo was stood in between them and us.

"She's right. There's no wound." Daesu joined in.

"But if Gwinam bit her-"

"She's still fine so she's okay. Look. She not trying to bite Jihye." Onjo cut off the boy and I watched as everyone turned to look at us as she finished. I turned back to see Namra still sat with her eyes closed in, what looked like, pain.

I continued to listen to the conversation going on behind me as Onjo had finally convinced Cheongsan to not attack Namra. I watched as Namra was now sat with her eyes open, staring into nothing as Onjo had finally came and joined us. It seemed that everything had calmed down,

For now.


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