Never Would Have Thought

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Never would have thought,
To come a day to be taught.
Life sometimes what you oath,
Can be eaten like a poor oat.

Though, I’ve seen this coming,
Read tons about these things,
People saying time and time again.
Somehow, I’ve accepted but not prayed.

I’ve seen the face,
I just wanted to vomit,
And cry in my deepest;
But You held me firm.

Oh, I’ve matured because of You.
I may be brokenhearted,
But gladly received the truth;
There’s no permanent in this world.

They are sinners and I no better,
We may live apart and away,
But I put my trust in You,
Whatever this takes them.

I pray that You’ll use me,
Them to see You in me,
That I may testify my life
And win them all to You.

Mga Tula (Poems)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon