Knit Together

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You were a sinner; living in sin
You forced your smile; heaving a sigh
You grieved in your inner; crying in pain
You were warped by all; pleading from up high

You asked for my help; I shared my Jesus to you
You tried to knock me down; my God made me stand
You question my help; only He can help you
You humbled in Him; He gave you rest

Hand in hand, by faith they stand
Man and wife are one
Knitted together in love
Protected by God’s love
Secured in His Grace

You were prepared by Him; ready to be a wife
You were trained; fit to me a mother
You learned to wait; waiting for him to happen
You waited in patience; you waited on Him

Now you live for His Glory,
I thank Him for His sufficient Will
That I can’t wait to see you down the isle
Marrying the other guy

Mga Tula (Poems)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon