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Lights flashed on before her eyes.
She was nervous at first but confident then.
She held tight on her mic.
It's her time to speak her mind.

Poetry was running her every speech
That spotting an error would be futile.
Her every syllables, breaks, smashes
Were complemented by sound effects.

She wanted emphasized side of picture
So cameramen worked together to get those shots.
She dressed provocatively,
Bringing people to worship her.

Her music became toxic
Dragging people in, tempting them.
Listeners had no clue,
They only do as they're told.

She cared for numbers,
Focuses on the fruit.
Baptising without prior salvation,
Earning her up to 30,000 more people.

Firm believers became concerned
For she was teaching the wrong gospel
Some were alarmed For she was drowning people away from the buttom of the truth.

Many prayed and prayed
For they loved her and her listeners
They earnestly prayed without ceasing
Because she’s pushing people to hell.


Inspired by Doreen Virtue. This may not be Doreen Virtue's testimony but I was inspired by her not her testimony. I haven't watched her testimony while jotting this thing down. Like, I saw a red bag and I was inspired by that bag to ride a horse or something. Like, she gives me inspiration but clearly she did not.


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