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They’re addicted.
And they do not know it.
They refuse to know it.
They refuse to believe.

From adults, men and women,
To young people, guys and ladies,
To teens, lads and gals,
To babies; and all.

It became a custom.
Larger and larger population
Have yearned for it.
Have been addicted.

They consumed more than the limit.
It became a basic necessity.
It became the only source of income.
When it should never be that extent.

Offering to gods.
Thinking it can cure them.
When in fact, as they consume,
It worsens their diseases.

It became epidemic.
It’s not the pandemic we face today.
But a disease, a result of their stubbornness.
A result of their refusal to believe and take action to it.

Watching documentations became a hubby. It’s not like I like it.


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