Natal Day

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You were amazing in play,
I hoped you’re good in reality,
To care for everybody.

You were brought by my buddy,
I was introduced as his crany,
Then you treat me as somebody.

You became my guy,
I became your lady,
When we learned each’s in Christ body.

I became the epitome of beauty;
In my finest simplicity
In smiting you by, baby.

You asked to be my hubby,
I answered to be your wifey,
Then we married eventually.

I once thought I was your milady,
Yet you treated me higher than royalty,
As we’re one body.

This time your day, in Him I pray,
Whatever accomplishments; that you can stay
How you treat me the very first day.

I’m not just thankful in your natal day,
But because we married the same day,
Happy anniversary, baby.

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