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Some admires him, some idolizes him,
Some follows his footsteps, some craves for his wealth,
Some loves him, some even hates him
For he is great in his craft.
He knows how the systems work.
He made his name known to the world,
He achieved many remarkable achievements.
He made a record for being bored.
He loves helping ones in need,
He found himself a purpose.

Some thought of him equal to God
For he may not have attitude in the eyes of men.
The truth is, he’s far too sinful to be one.
He’s not perfect and he too fall short of the glory of God.
He may be rich but he is a servant of sin.
And having everything on earth;
Fame, popularity, wealth, earthly love is nothing.
Because the price of sin is death;
If he doesn’t believe in Christ’s free salvation,
When he die, he’ll surely go to hell.

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