Sinner's Prayer

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Had a discussion with my cousin,
We stumbled upon Sinner’s Prayer;
How it was used and is still being used today,
On how it affected our understanding and salvation.

As we digged deeper into the Word of God,
With the help of the Holy Spirit guiding us by,
And the help of our fellow brethren to point it out,
We discovered more about God and His salvation to mankind.

You see, I was a victim of it, too.
Repeated the prayer after mama,
She said I was saved at that hour of day,
Merely explaining the blood of Him.

When the atmosphere's gloomy,
I would always panic and cry for my mama.
Rapture; scared of being left behind,
Deep inside, was not saved and afraid of eternal damnation.

With no guide from the Scripture,
I embarked into evangelizing.
Merely using colored mini-human keychain,
Into telling the truth I did not even own.

As I was trained to do so,
I taught kids to remember the day of their salvation,
Yet I was doubting that day of my own.
To conceal it all, I was boastful.

They paid much attention on the date,
Unlike others, they're into different numbers.
If I would count, I'd be nearly ten years saved,
But I know it's useless. Am a babe.

When they began to discuss salvation,
And how my mama was proud of,
I was consumed by guilt and I secretly walk off,
For I knew I was not what my mama thought of.

As grew older and had matured mind,
I stopped my so-called ministry.
I would grew cold when they talked about salvation,
Even the very mention of that word, I know I would tremble.

People would say,
Pray this prayer and you're saved.
Some would invite you to open your hearts for Christ,
But leaving the truth of His Blood.

It doesn't matter if you repeated the prayer,
What matters is what you believe.
There is nothing wrong with the prayer,
But how people used and applied it to be.


We would love to hear what y'all think of this Sinner's Prayer.


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