[16] What happens next

Start from the beginning

"Alright, I think I can try it," the squad formed a circle around us, it gave me a little more comfort knowing that the squad got my back.

"On three okay..." John and Carlo were on squat and each support my legs, and I was holding their shoulders for support, I could also feel Sean's hands on my waist, it was an additional support for a lift.

"One.. Two.. Three.. and were up!" I tried to find my balance and straighten my  back and knees and hold my stance, "six, seven eight! Fall back Lu!" The girls counted for me, I closed my eyes and let my body fall backwards,

"Gotcha!" I opened my eyes as soon as I hear Sean's whisper.

"That was amazing Lucy!" Mary first said and the others come to congratulate me on my first trust exercise. 

A long loud whistle echoed the gym, followed by the voice of  coach, "DRAGNEEL! You are travelling with the ball!" 

"S-sorry coach, I got a little distracted," he replied immediately and then proceed to dribble the ball while running across the half court.

"Guess it was true, Captain Dragneel was really distracted." Mary commented and tap my shoulders, "Maybe we should practice lifting some other time... 

back to dance routine everyone!"

True enough for the rest of practice all we did was the dance routine, I get most of the parts but it's still far too early to say that I memorized the steps.

After 3 hours of dancing we ending our practice with cool down stretches.

"Thank you guys, see you on friday for the next squad practice!" Mary announce before everyone get up and leave.

I just finished changing my attire and I've already sent my message to Capricorn, but apparently he was in the parking lot already, he was really reliable.

"Hey! Uh hey, Lucy!" 

The parking space that Capricorn choose was near the gym exist so I already saw him, but I looked back and saw Sean was in a hurry to catch up with me so I stopped walking.

"That was a good catch earlier, I haven't properly thanked you so, thank you very much," I said and bow down a little to show my gratitude.

 "It's nothing, seriously I was happy I was able to catch you, I'd walk you home if you like," he offered shyly.

"Oh sorry, but my big brother Capricorn is waiting for me, he's over there," I point out to the car's direction, and law and behold Capricorn was looking scary while watching us in a safe distance.

"Heheh, he is not usually like that, so can I just give you a ride?" I asked carefully.

"No, no... I don't think your big brother would like that... I'll see you on the next practice," he said and we both said goodbye laughing.

"Thank you for waiting Capricorn!" 

"I had a hunch this things would happen, It has been a while since I drove for you, Loke wasn't telling me anything about guys around you," Capricorn said without looking at me, too focused in driving.

"Well, let's just say Loke is practically on my side, plus they are just friends."

I take a look at the gym before we take a turn, Fairy High's main building looks dark already but the gym still looks so bright.

It was due to the basketball team who are still continuing their training, some says it will last for another hour or two.

I just hope he gets focused on the ball game again, it was pretty harsh to watch the captain getting called out.

And for selfish reasons... I want to watch him play when he is at his best.

Dear Mom,

What happens next in my life is always surprising, I get to be part of the cheering squad now. It was something that I could never expect that I would do, my whole childhood were all prim and proper but now I am enjoying life in a different light.

I still don't have a clue on how to handle the matters of my heart but I think I'll just try to live in the moment and allow things to happen in their own course.

Missing you so much right now mom.



for visual purposes, just think of Sean as the guy that Lucy met on the Fateful Encounter episode. Black hair, average height, black eyes and wears glasses.


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