[14] The Boiling Point

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(n) when situation becomes more serious or dangerous

Erza's POV

It has been a week since Lisanna come back.

She even enrolled to Fairy High in middle of the school year, but ever since she came back she never once spoke to us.

She would always stick beside Natsu and only to Natsu. As if they live on a world of their own.

We tried to get close to Lisanna again, invited her to join us for lunch and even to hang out after class at the café but it seems like her and Natsu has always planned ahead.

Natsu looks happy whenever she is with Lisanna, but I still see him look back on us every now and then.

"Do you want to join us in the café today, Lucy-san?" Juvia asked Lucy after class, Lucy was obviously watching both Natsu and Lisanna who are about to walk out from the classroom early.

"Natsu!" Gray called his attention, I observed Lucy more and saw that she looked away when Natsu turned around to face our direction.

"Your coach needs you in the gym today, don't dare skip another day in training," Gray warned him, it was indeed alarming how many trainings he skipped in just a week of having Lisanna back.

"Uhm, Natsu promised to accompany me today, Gray. He'll catch up to training soon," Lisanna answered in behalf of Natsu and with that they left.

I bet she doesn't event know how important Natsu's role is in the basketball team. 

A lot of things changed in three years, Natsu's world got bigger and now he's turning back to his old routines.

"The coach told me they wouldn't take Natsu out of the team yet, but they would replace him as the captain if this attitude continues." Gray explained to us why he was too pressed about Natsu bailing on practice.

"Does he knows about this," unexpectedly, Lucy joined in the conversation.

"No, he hasn't shown up to training for straight one week now," Gray answered.

"This is too sad, we can't watch Natsu throw away all his efforts, not when the competition is about a month away," Levy said.

"Erza, what do you think we should do?" Cana asked.

"Leave decision making up to Natsu, he has to know the consequences of neglecting his duty as the captain."

If I had the choice over these maters, I'd push some common sense into Natsu's brain.

Somethings won't change though, I would still trust in Natsu.

Cana's POV

Things changed quickly at school, but these ladies still drag me to the café.

"Juvia reserved tickets for the competition arena already, she got one for everyone," Juvia announced while we are enjoying cakes and deserts at the cafe.

"We are still going?" I asked, the grand school games was the event we were looking forward at the beginning of the school year, but we hardly talk about it now.

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