[10] Changing minds

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Lucy's POV

"Since when did you go out without a chaperone? I remember having trouble taking you even just at the outside of your mansion," he said and chuckled while swiftly maneuvering his car.

"And since when did you drive your own car, you can even balance on bike before," I jokingly fired back at him.

Loke is a childhood friend, we've known each other simply because of our mothers. We spent the ride back to my apartment while laughing and reminiscing.

"Come on, not much has changed from me, but just look at you princess, you live here now." Loke said looking rather amazed with my new place.

"Welcome to Magnolia," Virgo welcomed Loke with a hug, "Virgo, you're here too? Lucy didn't tell me! Is Capricorn here too?" 

Capricorn and Leo are close in age, just the Capricorn a bit older. "It was a surprise, but who else would join me here. Anyway, lets all go inside," I said and lead us all inside.

Loke immediately settled down in my apartment, he's currently doing his research paper and he says a new environment can maybe help him do his work better and so he asked father if he could stay with me for the time being.

The next day

It has been a long time since we spend a day like this, all four of us complete, with that Virgo insisted we have a feast for lunch and planned to have a movie marathon after.

Sitting quietly in the table, Loke wiped his mouth and shift his sit to face me.

"Hmm, by the way, who was the guy yesterday, Lu?" Loke spoke and I almost choke myself. 

Capricorn immediately looked at me with questioning eyes and Virgo looked at me and Loke alternatingly, and I wasn't clearly expecting him to bring that up.

"That was my groupmate," I tried to sound so calm and resumed eating.

"I didn't saw the rest of the group Lu, come on did I interrupt a date?" Loke kept on asking, I kicked him on the knee to stop him, "It just happened that I exit earlier then the rest, so you didn't saw then." I said and glared at Loke. 

Loke gave me a wicked smile, before nodding his head, pretending to believe me and that somehow calmed Capricorn's suspicions. 

Growing up, it was harder to make friends with guys having Capricorn and Loke beside me all the time.

"So how was the park, should we all visit next time?" Virgo asked, thankfully it helped me survived the rest of the meal.

Loke and I were drying the plates to help Virgo tidy up faster, "Sooo, that was not a date, you sure?" He whispered and looked behind to check if Capricorn is fully indulged at choosing what movies we should watch.

"Yes, it was just a school related tour."

"And he was your "groupmate"?" 


"So it was a "date"?"


"Come on, Lu! No lies!" Loke reminded our old rule, which catch Virgo's attention.

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