[13] The Turning Point

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(n) a point at which a significant change occurs

Levy's POV

"No, no, no, this is not the article I asked for the banner news, please revise this immediately," I said and urgently to the editor of the month for the Journalism's monthly press release.

"Miss Levy, we are so sorry, the email I sent last time was a mess. I accidentally sent the wrong news file to the editors, I promise I'll do better next time," a junior writer apologized to me.

I sighed but smiled at her, "Its alright, just be mindful next time, we can't waste resources."

"Hey shrimp, PE class is about to start you're still here?" Gajeel who passed the journalism room said while leaning against the door frame.

"I'll just opt to be excused, the journalism club won't function well without me," I said.

"Natsu's bailing PE and you too, damn the class is getting even more boring," Gajeel said with disappointment.

"What? Why would Natsu be absent for PE?" I asked, its normal for Natsu to skip other classes, but not PE. That guy won't miss a chance playing basketball.

"Well, a new student came in today, Natsu's chick I guess,"   

"A new student in the middle of the school year?" I asked rather even more clueless, and above all Natsu is that interested in the new student... could it be Lisanna?

It would make sense, since I saw Mirajane the other week.

"Is the girl's name Lisanna..." I asked, hopeful that maybe it's not her. 

I like Lisanna, she was a good friend to us. I miss her as a childhood friend, but honestly what she did to Natsu was really unfair. 

"Yeah, that's why Erza wanted me to pick you up, she says, get you out of your club no matter what," and now she's here, like she didn't left us without a word.

I felt week on my knees and took a sit down, "I, I can't go and meet her right now, I'll take a moment to fully grasp this situation," I tried to explain myself, even though Gajeel won't probably understand why this was such a big deal to us.

What's gonna happen to Natsu now?

Three Years Ago

"We tried too, but sorry Natsu," I dared to answer after Natsu asked us if we even tried to call Lisanna and her siblings, but it was hard to tell him that no matter if we try to call them every second of the day, they still won't pick up.

"Maybe she really meant to leave us," Erza speak up after being silent the whole time. It was not that we didn't care about Lisanna, we were in pain too.

In our minds, we keep on finding reasons to cover up for the pain that our friend just left us but deep in our hearts, it was really painful, we grow up together and yet she can just leave just like what, does we mean nothing to her?

"If you don't care about her, then just shut up Erza!" 

That was the first time Natsu raised his voice as Erza, and even in front of all of us.

"You think I don't care for her? She's also my friend!" Erza stand up and was ready to argue with Natsu but Juvia tried to calm Erza.

"It's not just you Erza, all of you don't care enough!" Natsu fired back and this time Gray blocked Natsu's way to stop him from getting close to Erza.

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