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classes were back to normal as the new term was in full swing, when hanako looked back her first term had been a lot better than she thought it would be. she didn't really have the highest expectations of going to a university and studying a course she wasn't really fully interested with, but making new friends had made the experience better.

she couldn't fully wrap her head around the fact that three months she hadn't even known atsumu, suna, and osamu. now the three were some of her closest friends who she spent the majority of her time with along with sakusa and komori.

it was pretty late and hanako was still over at atsumu's flat with suna, she had gone over after practice to just chill with them seen as though she didn't have many classes tomorrow. she was just sat on the couch next to osamu scrolling through her phone while suna was just playing music on his speakers.

atsumu had already complained that he was never allowed to play his music but hanako was glad he didn't because he had a playlist labelled 'sad boy hours' which she had made fun of him for around two days now.

suna left the lounge for a couple of minutes and soon returned back with something in his hands.

"hanako," he called.

she looked up from her phone towards the taller boy, he held up a small black bottle and threw it in her direction. luckily she caught it without embarrassing herself and took a look at what it was he threw at her.

it was a black nail polish.

hanako looked back up at him with a smile, knowing what he was referring to. suna had told the girl a couple weeks ago he had been thinking of painting his nails, but was worried he might of looked strange. so hanako had promised she would do it for him and if he didn't like it they would remove it after.

she sat up excited looking towards him. "you wanna do it now?" she asked.

"why else would i of thrown it to you? no i want you to sit and stare at it," suna said dryly.

"okay, if you insist," hanako shrugged holding the bottle in front and stared at the bottle with squinted eyes intensely.

"actually kill yourself," suna said.

"you first," she replied.

"no, you first," suna argued.

"no, you first," hanako retorted.

"no, you first,"

"no, you,"

"oh my god, one of you die so you can shut up," atsumu complained.

hanako and suna both turned and looked to each other, before glancing at atsumu then back again with raised eyebrows. the two didn't reply, hanako stood up and walked over to suna who was sat at the counter top with the speaker and set the nail varnish on the table.

"let's do this emo boy," hanako said grabbing his hands and setting them flat on the table.

"will you do yours so we can be an emo couple," suna said with a straight face.

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