twenty three

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osamu had text hanako for plans today, given osamu had no classes today as usual, and hanako finished early. this meant the two had the whole afternoon until volleyball practice had finished to plan something. so osamu had said he would make her lunch and they could go out to get some boba or coffee.

hanako was excited to spend some alone time with osamu, given when they hung out they were usually with the rest of the group. so it was nice to spend some time alone with him. but now she felt almost nervous, she had never felt so anxious to hang out with osamu alone before until now, worried she would do something to would make him realise her feelings and cause tension between the two of them.

but nevertheless, hanako knew she had to face it head on, as the more awkward and more she tried to avoid him, the more obvious it would be.

hanako was walking to meet osamu by the business building, she was having a motivational talk with herself to not get all shy and act normal. because he would definitely notice if she started acting all weird around him, osamu was really observant and could tell what she was thinking most of the time.

osamu had text her saying he was already ready and waiting for her outside her building, so hanako had quickly packed up her belongings after her lecture, not wanting him waiting for too long.

when she had arrived to the building, she spotted him outside the doors waiting for her, other students around with friends and walking in and out for their lectures. osamu leaned against the wall on his phone as he waited.

"hey," hanako said smiling as she walked towards him.

osamu looked up at her and put his phone away, standing up straight off the wall and walked up to her.

"ready?" he asked her.

hanako nodded, osamu once again took her bag from her shoulder to carry it for her, but she didn't complain this time as she knew he didn't have an excuse this time as there wasn't much in it. so she allowed him to throw it over his shoulder and walk beside her and she smiled to herself as they walked.

when they both had made it to the cafe, osamu guided her in and the two got a table at the back, hanako stole the booth seat and looked at him victorious, he just rolled his eyes at her. placing her bag on the chair he would sit on.

"what do you want? your usual?" he asked her.

"hmmm please," hanako nodded.

osamu gave her a small nod and went to the cashier to put in his order, hanako sat at the table waiting for him. she couldn't help but feel a little giddy when she looked over to osamu waiting for their drinks. she couldn't stop her pulse from racing and heart fluttering everytime he was near her, the girl hadn't felt like this for months.

the boy soon returned with their drinks, setting them down on the table and hanako immediately when in and started drinking hers happily.

"so, what you making me for dinner?" hanako asked sweetly.

"you mean us, i'm not your personal chef," osamu replied. "besides why are you so eager to eat my food?"

"i'm not eager, i just want to know what you're making," hanako said taking another sip.

"it's already made, we'll have to stop at mine to get it," osamu said taking a sip from his drink aswell.

8/10 ︎✈︎ miya osamuWhere stories live. Discover now