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saturday continued

hanako shut the door, and let out a huge sigh, running her hands through her hair frustrated. she could of screamed, because he didn't care, just as she had thought. the girl took a deep breath, and shook herself off walking down the stairs, ready and excited for her date. forgetting about osamu and his impassive attitude.

when she saw ito standing there with flowers, she felt herself smiling at his gesture, spotting the bunch of sunflowers again ready to give to her. stepping out the door of the apartment building and waving at him happily. ito looked her up and down, smiling at her and stepping towards her to greet her.

"you look amazing, even prettier than i thought," ito said, which made her blush, smiling at him.

"thank you," she thanked him, he held out the flowers towards her, and she took them bashfully. "you really didn't have to get me flowers," she said, as he held them ou.

"course i did, what kind of guy would i be if i didn't buy a pretty girl flowers on a date?" he said.

hanako looked at the car parked to the side, seeing ito had booked them a taxi so they weren't walking or getting the bus. which she was grateful for in these heels, the last thing she wanted to be doing was walking around tokyo in a dress and heels.

he opened the car door for her, hanako slid in and sat in the seat as he shut the door. he came around the side and sat in the backseat next to her. he gave her a smile before turning to the driver and giving him the address of the restaurant.

she sat in the back playing with the hem of her dress nervously, looking out the window at the scenery of the tokyo campus slowly drive out of view and to the city. the drive wasn't too long, it seemed to be in the centre of town and hanako could see other couples out and dressed up having a good time as well.

when they arrived, ito paid and rushed around to open her door for her, grabbing the flowers and following him to the doors of the restaurant. it already looked incredibly fancy on the outside, so she was excited to see what the inside looked like.

the girl hadn't fine dined since summer with her parents, so it was nice to be back in a formal setting like this which she was familiar with. walking into the building, she looked around at the interior design with wide eyes, taking in all the ridiculously expensive decor.

"table under ito," he said to the man, before they were shown off to a small two seater table in the centre.

"haruki, this place looks really nice," hanako said looking around.

"you look nicer," he said to her.

but all she could think about was osamu, and how he'd say some stupid sarcastic comment that would make her laugh.

"shut up," she blushed rolling her eyes. "i bet this place costs a fortune," she said looking around still in awe.

"i mean yeah, i won't lie," he said honestly. "but i thought you'd be used to stuff like this?"

"oh i am, but still i'm always surprised how pretty places like this are," she said grabbing her menu.

"are you wanting anything to drink?" he asked her, looking up at her from the menu.

8/10 ︎✈︎ miya osamuWhere stories live. Discover now