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hanako was currently waiting for komori and sakusa to finally return home from the volleyball practice they had most nights, as she had said she would make them dinner for when they get home. komori had also given her the heads up he was bringing some people back with him afterwards, but when asking if she should make extra food sakusa told hanako to let them starve.

so of course she didn't make any extra food, but made extra rice and got some buns out of the freezer just in case feeling a little bad. as hanako was sat in her room watching some weird videos on her laptop to pass time as she waited for them to arrive. when she heard the door unlock, and the chatter of boys in the hallway.

she decided not to go out just yet, as she wanted to finish her videos before heading out. she knew there must have only been about two people over, sakusa wasn't much of a socialiser apart from with komori or herself as he only had a small circle of friends.

"hana! we're home!" komori shouted her.

"okay coming!" she called back, closing her laptop.

hana straightened out her clothes she had on which consisted of just a plain pair of lounge pants and jumper, sorting out her hair as it was currently in knots from where she had been laid on it. she began to make her way to the kitchen, grabbing her phone before leaving her room, as she looked up to see five boys stood in the kitchen. surprisingly the three boys they invited over were oddly familiar.

"oh hey! its the guy!" hana said pointing to the blonde hair boy.

the group all turned to look at her, as she looked at the boy with the blonde hair smiling, komori looking to atsumu with wide eyes.

"wait, that was you! oh my fucking god!" komori shouted as he bent over laughing.

"what?" atsumu said looking at her with wide eyes.

"kiyo! atsumu was the dude who tried to chat up hana last week!" komori said crying with laughter, as he was pointing at atsumu.

kiyoomi paused for a second and looked to the faux blonde boy and let out a small laugh looking to hana. "it makes sense, i knew there was no way a decent guy would actually try to pick you up on campus,"

"oh yeah, because you're picking up a ton of girls, aren't you kiyoomi," hanako said sarcastically.

"yes actually i am," kiyoomi argued back.

"oh yeah, like that weird girl with th—"

"we do not discuss that, never speak of it again," kiyoomi said cutting her off.

"this is great, small campus huh?" komori relished in the moment smiling between his friends.

"what a coincidence," hana said to him awkwardly, looking around the room to change the topic. "oh! i'll get your food!" she said remembering she made them dinner.

"i'm so hungry," komori whined. "you better of made something good,"

"that isn't instant ramen," kiyoomi added.

the three boys were all looking at the girl they met briefly with wide eyes as they weren't expecting to run into her again, especially atsumu after their embarrassing encounter last week. he refused to look at her in the eyes, mumbling under his breath to himself and staring at the table with a scowl.

8/10 ︎✈︎ miya osamuWhere stories live. Discover now