twenty six

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hanako, atsumu and suna had all decided to go do last minute christmas shopping before they all went home for christmas break. given the three finished their classes early and volleyball didn't start until later tonight due to the coach having another commitment before practice. komori had been trying to invite himself, but because hanako was still in the process of getting his and sakusa last bits she had told him he wasn't allowed to come.

the three had set off towards the city to go buy their presents. christmas time in tokyo was hands down one of the best experiences she had growing up, especially when she would come here with her mum and dad for christmas shopping. the whole ordeal gave her nostalgia as she walked along with atsumu and suna looking in store windows to see if there was anything worth going in for.

the first couple of stores they went to so far were dead, there was nothing good to gift to anyone in those stores.

"why is buying a gift for kiyoomi so difficult," atsumu complained, failing yet again to find a suitable gift for him.

"get him anything designer," hanako said nonchalantly as thought it was no big deal.

atsumu looked at her with narrowed eyes and scoffed. "easy for you to say, i don't have rich parents to lend me money for gifts or a job,"

"sucks to be you then," hanako shrugged looking at a potential gift for komori.

"i'm expecting my gift to be good, little miss rich girl," suna teased her.

"i knew it, you're so only friends with me for my money," hanako said looking at suna pretending to be upset.

"glad you realised, we can avoid the awkward conversation now," suna said, he grabbed the shirt that hanako was looking at for komori and then looked at her with raised eyebrows. "man i love fishing?" he asked, as the letters went down at the side spelling the word MILF.

"we have an ongoing joke, each christmas kiyo, toya and i all buy each other terrible shirts," hanako told suna, taking the shirt from him. she had already found a perfect one for sakusa, this was the last thing she needed for komori.

"i would be happy to receive that," suna nodded.

"i'll get you one too," hanako laughed grabbing an extra shirt.

"hello?" atsumu called to them both as they were having their own conversation, as he was having a crisis. "what do you get for a straight guy who you're in love without it being obvious you're in love with them?"

suna and hanako stared at him blankly, not following his question or where he was going with this. hanako then straightened herself up realising that atsumu had just openly admitted his sexuality to the two of them, something he had never shared with either of them.

"wait what? tsumu is this your way of telling us you're gay?" hanako asked extremely confused.

"yes, happy coming out to me," atsumu said sarcastically. "what do i get for him!"

hanako then realised atsumu was on about sakusa. he was in love with sakusa.

it didn't take her long to then put together all of atsumu's odd behaviours around him, and how he constantly found any excuse to be nearer to the curly haired boy. it made sense, atsumu constantly teased sakusa, and sakusa constantly acted like he was the most annoying person on earth. but did sakusa even feel the same?

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