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after last night, the group didn't end up leaving until almost five in the morning, they ended up meeting up with aran and the others again who were with bokuto, dancing the remainder of the night. on the way home sakusa had been clinging onto hanako and komori, refusing to let go of them as they walked home. when they did sakusa would stand there in his spot until hanako would walk back to collect him.

sakusa had also forced hanako and komori to sleep in his room with him so he wasn't lonely. but in the morning their sleepover didn't last long as komori threw up all over sakusa's rug in the bathroom and he kicked both of them out his room to clean up.

but hanako was almost grateful for that eventful morning of shouting as she made to be up to meet ginjima for the breakfast they had planned to go out for. she got herself dressed into some comfy but cute clothing due to the head ache she currently had from the drinking last night, but she didn't feel as rough as sakusa or komori did who both had thrown up several times this morning. this time in the toilet though.

hanako texted ginjima she was on her way to atsumu's flat where he was currently staying, when she arrived, ginjima came out smiling at her as she waited for him, and the two began their descent towards tokyo city.

"it's not too far luckily, kiyo, toya, and i all came here the other week and they had amazing food," hanako told him with a smile as she walked beside him.

"i guess i'll have to trust you, if it's bad you owe me," ginjima told her.

"it's good, trust me!" she exclaimed, leading him a little further up the road to the small cafe that she would be eating at.

the two took a seat at a table and ordered a coffee each as they dove into conversation and looked at what they were going to eat. hanako opted for some rice and eggs with a side of miso soup to hopefully cleanse her insides from last night.

"how are you after last night? atsumu woke everyone up being sick this morning," ginjima said grimacing at the thought.

"oh god don't, kiyoomi begged me and toya to sleep in his room and then when toya woke up to be sick, he missed the toilet and threw up all over kiyo's rug, and then the two of them were then throwing up," hanako said telling him the story of them both empty their stomach contents into the toilet.

after the two laughed about their mornings and events of last night, their food eventually had come and the two sat and ate contently. hanako wasn't able to sit and talk with him as much as she would have wanted due to having to rush back to get ready for work, but ginjima seemed to understand her situation.

"i'm sorry we only got to have breakfast, next time you're here we can do something more fun," hanako said smiling sadly.

"it's no worry, i knew you had work early, i'm just glad we were able to go grab some food," he said to her returning the smile. "i'll walk you back,"

"thankyou," she said appreciatively.

"no problem, how long have you lived in tokyo?" he asked curiously.

"most of my life, we moved here from okinawa when i was six, my dad got a big job in some company so we moved to the city," hanako told him. "have you always lived in hyogo?"

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