Fight for Our Lives Part 2

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Once again, we were thrown back into reality. My fears were elevated, but I knew our parents were right. We needed to keep moving forward. I was still standing on top of the spine, and I was using the sides of the protruding bones for balance. I was attempting to make my way up to Eren's head.
I looked around at the chaos that was reaching its peak.

I desperately searched for my friends, but the clouds of smoke were obscuring my view. Screams of innocent people were hurting my ears. My enhanced hearing meant I could hear every single death, and I was trying hard not to cry again.

"Eren, you need to find the will to stop this, you have the power to do it." I told my brother. "I don't know how," Eren said with hopelessness. "We could combine our powers to stop this whole thing from killing any more people. We need to figure out how." I replied. "Well, we don't have a lot of time to do so," he stated as a matter of fact.

"Eren, if we don't survive this, I love you. Thank you for being there for me for all these years," tears slid down my face. My chest was aching with anxiety and my rapidly beating heart.

"I love you too, Greta. I must thank you for the same thing, thank you for believing in me," my brother thanked me. I saw his head hanging limp from the massive skeleton.

"We need to find Zeke, and we need to kill him." I came to the conclusion that was how we needed to stop the Rumbling.

"I thought he was killed in the explosion," my brother said. "I sense that he's still alive and he's chasing us." I said with a snarl.

Yes, he was chasing us. The Beast Titan ran behind us, his footsteps echoing against the earth. "I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Zeke was shouting. The Beast Titan's eyes changed from their usual dead hazel color to bright red with bloodlust and fury.

"Look at this, our dream is about to come true!" he laughed maniacally. "It's not our dream, it's your dream." Eren snarled.

"Come and get us," I taunted.

Zeke tried to swing his giant arms to knock me and Eren out of the sky, but he missed because Eren's Titan was a lot bigger than his.

I still stood on top of the spine, and I turned around to look at Zeke who was relentlessly chasing after us.

I let out an ear splitting roar and summoned my army of crows.
"GET HIM!" I ordered telepathically. "TEAR HIM TO SHREDS."
Zeke was surrounded by clouds of black crows. While the birds pecked at his skin and bit at him, he roared in pain and attempted to shake them off. One of them even took one of his eyes out.

I was aware that I could not celebrate right now, because Zeke had regenerated his eye, and he had shaken off the crows.

Eren looked back at our approaching half-brother, "Why didn't that work?" "I don't know, but it looks like we need to kill him when he's out of his Titan form." We needed to take him down when he was at his most vulnerable state, and that was when he was back as himself.

"I don't know if I can turn into the Attack Titan at this point," Eren agreed with my plan. "Can you try?" I climbed back up the spine to check on him, and his head was still hanging limp, and his eyes were filled with sadness. 

"I can't do it, I'm not strong enough." 

"Eren, I know you know that's not true," I told him. "Find the will to try," everything we had been through was leading up to the most critical moment in the fight. 

The fate of the world was in our hands. Suddenly, my mind was trying to convince me that I was weak.

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