Greta and Eren vs Annie Leonhart

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I bit my hand, and I turned into my Titan. As always, I let out an earsplitting shriek and ran towards the Female Titan.

Eren was next to transform, and his Titan was much more horrifying up close. His height was like mine, but being up close was startling.
I could hear his raspy breathing, and his scream sounded like a banshee. It made the hairs on my neck stand on end.
He turned his enormous head towards me and nodded, showing he could understand me. 

"Whoa! Since when is Greta a Titan?" Sasha yelped, startled. She nearly fell out of the tree she was standing on. Commander Erwin was just as surprised. Captain Cara and Captain Levi's eyes widened in horror.

  I turned my gargantuan head to face her, "Surprise, best friend." "Just don't eat anyone, okay?" she was both scared and impressed.

"Don't worry; I won't."

"Now, to take down this monster," I grinned.

  I saw that Eren's Titan couldn't speak like mine could, but I smirked, nodding, "Let's do this!"

  Our Titans shrieked a warning cry, and we charged. My first reaction was to run up against one of the more enormous trees and jump off to kick the Female Titan in the face.

  With an expression of fury on her face, she groaned and narrowed her eyes in my direction. She charged at me like a bull and punched me hard in the face.

I flew backward a few feet, knocking down a couple of trees. I shook off the blow as I got up. Eren had seen the whole thing, and he was boiling with rage. 

Eren yelled telepathically, "You'll pay for that!" His Titan may not have been able to speak, but I could hear his thoughts perfectly.

He sprinted through the maze of trees to catch up to her, throwing her to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

I got up from the forest floor and ran after the fighting Titans.

"Greta, wait up!" Erwin called to me, and I slid to a stop. "Yes, Commander," I replied. "See if you can get a better look, see if you can figure out a way to identify her," he referred to our enemy Eren was fighting.

I was grateful he wasn't scared of me.

"Yes, sir," I made a show of raising my giant fist to my chest in the salute, and then I sprinted off again.

  The trees zoomed past me because of how fast I could run. My feet were hardly touching the forest floor.

I was still astonished at how fast I could run now, and it was oddly fun.

"Look out, hag!" I yelled. I sprinted after her and slashed her face with my claws, only making her angry. She shrieked in fury and punched me in the jaw, causing it to break. I focused my energy on healing my injury and continued the fight.

Eren struggled to fight her because she appeared to know the martial arts we were taught at training. No other Titan could do something like that.

I focused on the Female Titan, attempting to identify her. The more I looked, the more familiar her face looked. I recognized those piercing blue eyes and scowl anywhere; the Female Titan was Annie Leonhart. The creature had the same hairstyle as Annie's, the same icy blue eyes, and stood in the same fighting stance, with her fists raised in front of her face. 

  I somehow found the strength to kick her away from my brother; I was aiming for the nape of her neck, but my foot met the side of her head, causing both me and her to fall. More trees crashed into the forest floor.

  My shriek echoed in the forest. I growled, and I was ready to resume my attack. Thankfully, Eren rushed to my aid. 

There was a power struggle between me, Eren, and Annie. It was two against one.

Eren grabbed Annie by the face and shoved her against one of the more giant trees. He shrieked loudly, and she punched him as a result. I could sneak up behind her and apprehend her, biting her nape. Sadly, I missed, but we were able to make her run into the traps set up by Hangë and the other Scouts. It was a cleverly designed strategy to catch the Female Titan. Giant metal pins pierced her skin and wrapped her in tight ropes. The creature could barely move her arms, legs, and head. 

Suddenly, she began screaming horrifically that we had to cover our ears. Hordes of Titans were crashing through the forest and ate her alive. I'm still sick to my stomach just thinking about it. I attempted to make the oncoming creatures turn the other way by roaring at them as Annie had done, but sadly my plan didn't work. The Titans had already finished eating her. I snarled in frustration. I stepped out of my Titan form and used my ODM gear to swing up next to Jean, standing on a tree limb waiting for me. 

   "You okay?" he asked sweetly. He kissed my forehead as he wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "I'm pretty banged up, but I'll live," I replied, hugging him back. All the stress and anxiety I felt during the battle gradually diminished. "What was it like down there? Fighting the Female Titan," Jean asked, visibly shaken, but he was trying to hide his fear from me. "It was terrifying because anything could go wrong in an instant. What made it even more scary was that creature was after my brother." I looked up at Jean, "I know you and Eren have had your differences, but he's all I have left. Family is critical to me." I wanted him to know that because, for some reason, Jean had a rocky relationship with his mother, and no one knew the reason. "You'll never know if you'll lose them the next day." 

  Screams of pain and fear suddenly pierced the air. Jean and I swung to the commotion. A hooded murderer had killed all of Levi and Cara's squad, and Eren had seen the whole thing. The two captains were reliving their traumatic experience from fourteen years ago. The Female Titan was back and rampaging again. "This is all my fault," Eren lamented, his gaze turning dark. "It's not your fault. Sometimes we lose comrades in battle, and it's no one's fault but the situation at hand," Captain Cara patted his shoulder. She spoke in a way that reminded me of Commander Erwin, which made sense because they were friends. 

My brother nodded, "I need to avenge them." I wouldn't let him fight alone, "I'm coming with you." I stood next to Eren. We jumped off the tree limb and again assumed our Titans' forms to take on the enemy. This time, the fight would be more intense and bloody. 

I jumped in front of Eren as Annie was about to strike. She threw her arm towards me in a way that would have knocked my Titan's head off, but I ducked out of the way, which gave me enough time to kick her in the ankle to knock her down. Yeah! Nice going! Eren was somehow able to communicate with me through his thoughts. I learned from the best. I said modestly. I still maintained my focus on the fight, and then I became laser focused when it appeared Annie had devoured him. She had kicked his Titan's head off and grabbed him in her jaws. I let out a warning roar and sprinted after her. Levi and Mikasa used their ODM gear to swing through the air to rescue Eren. 

Back at Wall Rose

  "So, Greta. Were you able to figure it out?" Erwin had called me into his study to discuss the fight.

  "The Female Titan is Annie Leonhart," I replied with no hesitation.

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