After the Fight

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  I was beyond furious. I wanted to kill everything in sight that resembled Reiner or Bertholdt. Those two idiots were the ones who ruined mine and Eren's lives as well as the lives of thousands; because of them so many lives were lost.

  I wanted to kill the two boys for what they did. I wanted them to suffer like me and Eren, but I knew that wouldn't do anyone any good, because Mom always taught us that revenge is never the answer.

    Five hours after the fight, I turned back into myself. The scars on my face were deep because of how long I was in my Titan form.

I was sitting on top of the Wall, attempting to process everything that happened. The tears wouldn't stop flowing.

I felt lonely and I didn't know if Eren was alive. I watched my tears fall onto the stone wall, seeping into the cracks.

  "Greta, are you alright?" Jean had come up to check on me. He took the rope lift up and he sat next to me on the Wall.

  I looked at him and smiled weakly, "Hey Jean, no I'm not okay." my vision was warped with my tears.

  My head and side was hurting from getting thrown during the fight. "Do you want company?" he asked sweetly. Having him next to me was the most healing thing in the entire world; I nodded, scooted closer to him, and laid my head on his shoulder.

  "I'm sorry about Eren," Jean expressed his sympathy, stroking my hair softly; which relaxed me.

  "Thank you," I snuggled closer. His arms were shielding me from my sadness and physical pain. "You are a warrior, Greta. You have the most strength of anyone here, and you are so resilient." he softly caressed my face and kissed me on the lips. "That's a few of the many things I love about you," he smiled his adorable smile.

  "You definitely know how to make a girl feel better," I beamed, feeling my face turn bright red; I kissed him back. My mind focused on the moment with the two of us, and I hugged him as we were kissing.

We looked at each other lovingly, and I touched his face, "You are a great leader, Jean. I admire the way you protect people and you care about others. All of us Scouts look up to you; I love you." I smiled lovingly, showing him that I meant every word I said.

Then we needed to rescue my brother before anything else happened. I didn't want to believe that Reiner and Bertholdt killed him, if they did, then I would hunt them down.

  I wasn't going to let them win.

  We were going to search for Eren and Ymir to rescue them from Reiner and Bertholdt. I wouldn't allow them to kill my brother.

They were going to pay.

I sprinted in my Titan form towards Titan Country to scout out the area. And sure enough, I found them on the largest tree limb.

I bared my teeth and narrowed my eyes, letting out a low warning snarl.
"What was that?!" Bertholdt shrieked in terror, looking around the trees. "It's probably just your imagination," Reiner said dismissively. "Says the person who's certifiably insane," Ymir scoffed. She was always one to be brutally honest.
"Shut up," Reiner scowled.

Next chapter:

Greta and the remaining Survey Corps go on a rescue mission to save Eren and Ymir. This is when Greta truly accepts that she's a Shifter and she's not afraid of her power anymore; Greta and Jean's relationship will continue to grow and their connection grows stronger.

Levi Ackerman's past will come back to haunt him and Erwin Smith will be put under suspicion by hysteric townsfolk. Mikasa will feel more desperate to protect Eren and she'll realize that she is in love with him.

After the fight, Greta's nightmares will get worse than ever, and she will see something that makes her not only terrified for her life, but for Eren as well. The terrifying event that had been talked about for hundreds of years will make an appearance in Greta's nightmare, severely traumatizing her.

She will truly understand what Grisha meant when he told her to protect Eren from himself.

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