Hunted Down

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My friends and I were asleep around the campfire we made; I stayed close to Jean for protection. His hand was holding mine as we slept.
Gabi, Sasha, and Falco slept soundly, but Reiner was having nightmares. I couldn't blame him, he had gone through as much trauma as all of us had, maybe even more.
I was grateful he was on our side again, but I still had my walls up in case he decided to betray us again.
Hiding from Eren and the Jaegerists wasn't how I pictured my honeymoon or my wedding, but I was thankful Jean and I were still together.

I still couldn't fall asleep, because I was on edge. Every little noise in the forest made me jump in terror. Jean laced his fingers with mine and gently pulled me closer to him.
That gave me some comfort for about five seconds...

"There she is!" A gruff voice broke the silence. "Don't just stand there, get her!" The voice of Floch Forester ordered.
The Jaegerists had found us!

A group of hands descended upon me, lifting me off the ground.
"Let me go!" I screamed, struggling to get away. I kicked one of my attackers in the face, causing him to groan in pain, holding his nose which was now bleeding.
I managed to break out of their grips for a minute, breaking into a run, but I was immediately incapacitated again. I was knocked down and I landed on the forest floor, getting scraped up in the process. My nose began to bleed from getting kicked in the face
"JEAN HELP!" I shrieked with desperation. A cloth was wrapped around my mouth to stop my screams, it was wrapped so tightly my eyes began to water.
"Greta!" Jean woke up and grabbed his blades. "Let go of my wife!" he yelled, fighting my captors.

"Forget it, Kirschtein. She's coming with us." Floch sneered.
I was still struggling to get out of my trap. "Let me go!" I attempted to yell, but I couldn't; the gag wouldn't allow it.
"I'll kill all of you if you don't let her go," Jean warned, pointing his blades.
I yelled and kicked once again, breaking out of their grip. Jean and I joined hands and we ran to warn the rest of the group.
We ran through the forest to get away from the Jaegerists, but we weren't safe for long.

They caught me...
I got knocked out, and that was the last thing I remembered.

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