Future or Nightmare

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   My surroundings were unlike anything I'd ever seen before. I was standing in a crowd of people running for their lives, unsure why I wasn't moving.

I was paralyzed by fear. Hordes of Colossal Titans were standing together in an army formation, and leading the army was Eren...

At least, the creature looked like Eren. He had become the Founding Titan. 

He was replaced by a huge skeletal Titan, whose spine curled over the length of the city, floating ominously; like a ghost. Eren roared a war cry, and the Colossal Titans began moving forward.
While I was unaware of what was happening, it became painfully clear as the Titans continued their march forward, destroying everything in their path.

"EREN, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" I screamed. I was feeling agony and excruciating pain. Everything my father and mother warned me about was unfolding before me; this is what they meant by I needed to protect him from himself.

I ran with these fearful people and looked for my fellow Scouts. Fortunately, Mikasa and the others were able to locate me and save me from getting trampled. "Greta!" My friends yelled as they took me to safety. After climbing the rope ladder, Jean and Levi helped me into the flying airship after I had climbed the rope ladder.

My friends were there, and I was happy to see them. The team of Scouts consisted of Cara, Levi, Jean, Connie, Armin, and Mikasa.

Some important people were missing: Sasha, Erwin, and Hangë.

Why aren't they here?

My hands trembled, and I was unable to breathe.

The Rumbling is starting... I heard a ghostly voice. In a blink of an eye, the ghost of Ymir Fritz appeared and vanished.

"We aren't safe no matter what we do, are we?" I asked my friends.
"That's very likely," Levi replied morosely. "Eren is gonna destroy the world, there's nothing we can do to stop him," Armin painfully realized.

I cried, "There must be something," I didn't want to believe my brother had become a villain.
Why had he become like this?

"I know what I should do," I stoically told my friends.
Jean looked at me with fear, "Greta, you seriously aren't thinking about that, are you?"
It was as if he could read my thoughts. "It is for the sake of humanity, Jean." I stepped forward, kissing him as if it was my last act.
"But I never got to marry you," Jean touched my face, savoring every last moment. "You will," I smiled, trying to hide my fear.

We shared one last kiss before I jumped out of the airship; biting my hand, I transformed into my Titan.

I woke up, and I was back in Wall Rose.

I wanted to cry in fear, but I couldn't.

I was more confused than scared. What did I see?

Is this what my father meant when he said I should protect Eren from himself?

What I saw was horrific, and like my nightmare with Zeke Jaeger, it felt eerily real. I was horrified by what I saw in the nightmare I had just now.
My fear of losing my brother and my loved ones had increased.
What am I going to do?

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