The Rumbling

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Eren and I were thrown back into reality, and chaos had reached its peak.

After falling to the ground, I stared upwards in terror. Eren had become the Founding Titan...

Its massive spine curved over the whole town of Shingashina, and its giant ribs threatened to engulf everything in its path. The face of the Founding Titan resembled a human, but its jaw showed exposed teeth.

Fear gripped me and I ran the other way, but that didn't work. We heard his ghostly voice when Eren claimed his power, and all of Ymir's subjects were put under a trance:

"My name is Eren Jaeger. I am using the power of the Founding Titan to address all of Ymir's subjects.
The hardening of all the Walls present on Paradis Island has come undone, and all Titans entrapped within them have started marching.
My objective is to protect the people of Paradis, the place where I was born and raised. However, the world wishes for the annihilation of the people of Paradis.
The hatred that has been swelling up for so long will certainly not end, until not just the Paradisians, but all of Ymir's subjects have been eliminated.
I reject this wish. The Wall Titans shall trample all earth outside of this island underfoot. Until all life existing there has been exterminated from this world."

All the subjects were taken to the Path where Eren and I had gone before. Even though I knew what we were going to do, I was still terrified.

After hearing my brother's terrifying words, we were all brought back to reality. After a period of silence, the Walls began to crack...

As the Walls fell, my heart beat in anxiety. I needed to become my Titan in order to survive. Seeing my friends on one of the rooftops, I assured them I would be okay. Mikasa had tears in her eyes, Armin was the most scared I'd ever seen him, Sasha's eyes were wide with horror, Connie was in disbelief, and Levi looked sad, like he was already mourning me and Eren. Cara buried her face in Levi's chest, shielding her eyes from the gruesome destruction.

Jean looked at me with fear, but he nodded. "You can do this, sweetheart. I believe in you."

I bit into my hand, springing forth into the Cloaked Titan. I grew into my fifteen meter height, I was a mere speck among Eren's two hundred and twenty meter height. To avoid getting trampled by the lumbering Colossal Titans, I jumped onto one of the rooftops. I screamed a battle cry that was mixed with stress.

"EREN!" I bellowed, my raspy voice sounding horrific while I shouted. I could barely hear what was going on because of the loud crashing as Titans walked forward.
I shrieked and then I sprinted over the rooftops. The wind making my black hair float behind me.
When I reached Eren, I did something I didn't think I'd be able to do:
    I jumped onto one of the ribs and climbed up the spine. My movement was much faster than before, and I felt invincible. The Wall Titans didn't pay any attention to me. I moved effortlessly as I reached the top. From the very top of the spine, I watched the chaos unfold below.

The monsters were being shot with bombs by airships and hovercrafts, however. Along with thunder-spears, rifle bullets whizzed through the air. I ducked to avoid getting hit by a thunder-spear, and I quickly grabbed one and threw it in the other direction before it exploded.

"Sorry, Greta. I might not survive this." I heard Eren tell me telepathically. "What the hell are you talking about, Eren?!" I screamed. Why was he already accepting death?

"The only way to stop this is to kill me." echoed the Titan's voice in my head. I yelled desperately, "There must be another way!"

In a flash, I was found in a large meadow with a large number of white flowers, and Eren was with me. We had turned back into ourselves. I wasn't sure what was happening. As I watched my brother walk forward, I saw a white bird fly over his head.

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