The Cloaked Titan: Nightmare

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I was held captive by a group of men, tied to a chair. "Where the hell am I?" I demanded. I was shaking all over the place to attempt to get out of my trap.

"I will kill you right now if you keep squirming," one of the men threatened. The man looked to be in his mid to late twenties; he was tall, muscular, and he had blond hair and cold blue eyes. He also wore wire-rimmed glasses and a khaki suit.

"Not if I stab that smug smile right off your face," I growled ravenously. The ropes around my wrists were causing them to burn with pain. "That's not a very nice way to talk to your brother, Greta." He chuckled with amusement. The man's cold smile was more terrifying than the Titans in that moment; I didn't know where I was or who these men were. The scariest part was I didn't know how I got to where I was being held captive.

"What are you talking about? You're not my brother. I only have one and he's most definitely not you." I scoffed, fuming with anger. "Oh, but I am." He circled me with intrigue. "Do you honestly think you know everything about your dear father, Grisha?" the man's coldness was creeping me out.

"What about my father?" I was doing my best to keep a brave face on so he wouldn't succeed in his quest for intimidating me.

"Did he not tell you about his first wife, Dina Fritz?" his cold unfeeling gaze bore into my soul. "I didn't know he had a first wife," I clenched my teeth as I spoke. "I guess there's a lot he hasn't told you."

"Let me ask you this, who the hell are you and why did you kidnap me?" I glared at the man with all the hatred I could muster up. I was trying to discreetly get my knife out of my jacket pocket to cut the ropes that bound me to the chair. I needed to concentrate to help my hands not shake; because that would cause me to drop my knife, foiling my plan.

"Oh, sorry. How rude of me. My name is Zeke Jaeger. I used to be the son of Grisha Jaeger and Dina Fritz." The man didn't smile this time. His face was expressionless; which was the most unsettling.

"What do you mean, 'used to be?'" I didn't like the sound of that. "Let's just say I had to do what I had to, for the good of the world." Zeke callously acknowledged.

"I don't like the sound of that," I said what I was thinking out loud. "Our father has kept a lot of secrets from you and Eren, hasn't he?" The man peered at me through his wire rimmed glasses, his blue eyes ice cold and unfeeling.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I began to shake with utter fear; and it was involuntary, this always happened when I was paralyzed with anxiety. I didn't want to believe that my kind and loving father had something to hide from me and Eren; I refused to believe it.

"I think it's time I told you about Shifters," my half-brother informed me. I looked at him like he had just lost his mind; but maybe he already had.


"What if I told you there was a way for humans to take on the form of a Titan?" he pointed to a gold syringe on the side table next to my chair. It was full of a purple liquid that gave off an unnatural glow; which was intimidating to see.

"That's impossible," I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, but it's really not, little sister."

Zeke showed me a portrait of a young woman with white-blonde hair and piercing grey eyes. A scarf was tied around her head like a headband; I recognized the picture; it was Ymir Fritz. I was staring at the portrait in a stupor as my half-brother told me about Titan Shifters. Because of Zeke's mother being Dina Fritz, he was a direct descendant of Ymir, and that made me and Eren a descendant as well, thankfully it wasn't direct.

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