Part 40

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The calculus room was darken once more as we went over the limits, their properties and their functions, and this would conclude our class. I tried to pay as much attention as possible. Luca is such a hot teacher, he's a distraction, at least to me, he is. And so's that kid, he's has been staring at me since assembly this morning.

Maybe I'll be nice to him, for once. I thought, hopefull I get to meet him. But then again, my heart began beating faster once more, and I felt nervous. For the first time I had this urge I actually want to meet him. But I focused my attention to what was on the board, and I was already lost again. I could barely see my notebook paper in the dimly lit room, and my notes were nearly illegible because of the dim room, and the blinds were pulled down.

"Okay, class, that concludes our lesson for the day," He says, and as always, he flips on the lights, but this time, I shut my eyes, to lessen the effect of the sudden brightness. He adjusts his hoodie over his slim, fit body as he made his way to the front of the room.

"So, any questions?" Before anyone could talk, the bell rang. Luca just stood there, in front of the whiteboard, then he saw me.

"See me after school." He simply said, as he collected his iPad off of a student's desk. My heart began beating once more. My mind was racing as I left his classroom, and joined my fellow schoolmates as we left the crowded math hallway, into the English hallway.

Oh no! Did he catch me looking at him? Or that other kid in class? Am I failing his class already? 

I knew I should've seen Sequoia right away. I'm pretty sure he's going to ask if I kept in touch with my tutoring schedule.


And I was right. After school ended for the day, I felt my stomach tighten into a knot, as I made my way back to the math hall, and into Omega's open classroom. Inside, he held a miniature meeting amongst the math teachers. I waited in the hall, before they concluded with their meeting. Mr. Brooks, my old freshman Algebra teacher, was the first to leave the room, followed by Mr. McLaughlin, the General Mathematics teacher, and Mr. Miller, my old Trigonometry teacher from last year. And the rest of the math teachers whom I haven't recognized since starting this school from freshman. I walked in, just as Luca was sitting in his chair. He hardly sat at his desk, and I couldn't believe how small, and fit, his body looked in that chair.

"I was a student before. Have a seat there," He points to an empty chair. The chair that I saw Sequoia sat in that first time we met.

"So, what seems to be the trouble? I've seen your homework once more. You've seemed to improve before the midterms. And your midterms were excellent. What happened?" Crap! I wasn't going to tell him upfront about how hot he looked, but then again... What is my other excuse? I haven't seen Sequoia since the week before midterms, except at that bowling alley... And I had too much fun in the bus barn, and playing with the Chevy truck with my classmates in Auto Shop for Automotive Technology. 

He took off his hoodie, and he looked even more amazing, his hair became a tousled mess as he completely took off his hoodie, and he didn't bother to fix it. His shirt had lifted, revealing a nice chiseled abs for someone his age, and a part of his nearly flat pecs, since his tight, revealing shirt lifted that high. His biceps looked even bigger than the last time I saw them...

Tristan is still in those tight revealing shirts, and it still makes me go crazy

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Tristan is still in those tight revealing shirts, and it still makes me go crazy.

"Sorry about my inappropriateness." He says, putting his hoodie on a student desk, and pulled his shirt back down over his flat abs. My heart pounded even louder, and I felt slightly light-headed. 

"I shouldn't be doing this in front of a high school student. I could get in trouble for this. Especially in front of underaged boys." Nope. I don't mind...

Not at all....

I swallowed nervously, while I still tried to maintain eye contact with Luca.

He's so distracting... I thought some more, then he began to write something in a legal pad as he crossed his legs, like what a psychiatrist would do (in the movies), but it was for a short while, and he put the pad away. I shook my head, before he gave me a strange look. My light-headedness became slightly evident, now that question was about to come up...

"Have you got in touch with your tutor?" He reached for his reading glasses. He looks so hot, as he put them on, and brushed his hair away from his eyes and forehead, his biceps bulging, and they were trying to rip out of the shortest sleeves he could wear. I swear he's smaller than Tristan, even though he's twice our age, but like I said, if he grabbed a tray and sat down next to us, he'd easily blend in like nothing.

Better think of something fast. He's looking at you...

"I-I..." Oh crap! I'm stammering... He raised an eyebrow, and took off his glasses, placing them on the notepad, and put them on his desk. The hall was quiet, and I hoped no one would be able to hear what was about to come out of my mouth. This is it...

The whole semester of just getting distracted by my teacher much older than I am...

"Y-you look so good. How do you do it?" I asked, stammering at my question once more, and my heart raced some more. He was clearly taken aback of my completely off-topic question, and he couldn't seem to find an answer. Not that I want him to answer it, anyway.


"Um. You're the first who's actually asked me that, while everyone else, well..." He nervously scratches his head once more, and ruffles his hair some more. I think I made him even more nervous... But he's hot. Especially for a male teacher his age. Finally, he swallowed, took a deep breath before he continued.

"I have a home gym."

"I thought you work out here, after school. In the school's weight room, or something."

"Me? No way. I have papers to grade, students like you to see if they're having troubles in my class, or for that matter, in their classes. It's also my job to see you're passing in all your classes. Not just in my class. And since I'm the head department, I oversee the teachers in this department as well, and do their hiring under the principal and school directors."

"Isn't that stressful?" I noticed he doesn't have any facial wrinkles. Truly he's one of the lucky ones who've gambled the gene lottery. And I hope to look like him when I'm his age. 

He laughed. "No, it's okay. We're one counselor short this year, and they asked me to partake in that duty. Until they hire a new one. Mr. Hawke is doing a bus driver duty once in a while, since he's in training, and today he's the substitute driver. It is hard for him sometimes, especially to get him to come in this meeting." Mr. Mackey is retiring when this school year ends. He's been driving that single bus for this place for the last 20 years, and 5 of those years when Tristan and I were back in elementary school, and I'm hoping Mr. Hawke really fills that role. Which is why he doesn't have an afternoon class, since he's in training, and working to get that CDL for school bus driving when the summer starts. The second oldest in that bus barn is the Auto Shop teacher, Mr. Davis, who is also the shop foreman, and drives the bus to the city. He's been here for almost 11 years, before that, he worked as a diesel mechanic and auto mechanic for a combined 15 years. 

I heard now they're looking for a full-time Auto Shop teacher to teach Auto Shop, since Davis is the one almost running the whole thing. And I have heard Hawke is the most popular bus driver already, especially in his math class. Luca cleared his throat, snapping me out of my fantasy.

"I guess, judging by your question, you seemed a bit distracted, since I looked over your last homework assignment. It's not too alarming, but it's not looking good, either. Sequoia's not too busy today. I think she's in the library today. Go on and see her." He gets up, and gently scoots me to the door. I turned, and see a straight vein of the middle of his bicep, that then disappeared under the sleeve of his shirt. He's even gotten a little bit skinnier than usual, but in a good way. And he's still tall. 

Once out in the hall, I took a peek around the door, and he sat in front of his desk, then began grading his papers, his beautiful body arching over his work, and his right hand moving swiftly as he made his marks, and showing off that toned, muscular arm. I made my way to the library, after looking at Luca's toned body, and it's effectively etched in my mind. 

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