Part 36

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Everything was going great in all my classes, and the start to my History class was nothing to write home about. We watched a 1950's movie from a projector reel, that I had finally got the hang of setting up the film into the rolls. While watching this old movie, there was an announcement. The school was now in lockdown. And I knew that because we're now in 1st lunch period. 

Maybe Rae, Dylan, and/or Ryo will give me the scoop later on in the day. But then again, they might be off campus, as always...

The teacher went and locked the door, before barricading it, and covered the windows with a special canvas cloth that rolled down from the ceiling, then killed the lights. The room was now even darker, and the cloth was bulletproof. He told me to take down the clickety-clackety projector, so we could watch a movie on the old TV cart, but on silent. A student carefully shone a phone's light at my direction so I could simply kill off the machine.

Just in case someone might be roaming the halls, and could hear the loud, clattering projector through the glass.

We were in lockdown until 6th period started. That meant we and the 3rd period lunch group missed their lunch.

And for me, I missed the entirety of Calculus, and Shaun missed his 5th period class, and 3rd lunch.


As expected, Ash and Dylan were off campus, leaving Rae, Ryo and another of Rae's classmate eating in the cafeteria.

A classmate of Rae's said Zack and Jesse got into a heated argument first, over a girl from their first period class, that he could hear across the commons area. Jesse was mad that he had a crush on her first, but she showed interest in Zack. He saw her flirting with Zack at the start of 1st lunch, and that's where things took off.

So here's how it all went down according to Rae:

Jesse took ahold of Zack, and threw him on the table they were eating at. Ryo, Rae and his classmate quickly got out of the way, and that's where it escalated quickly. Zack quickly stood up, and Jesse threw a chair Ryo had sat in earlier, and threw it towards Zack. It missed Zack, but almost hit a student who was happening to just pass on by. Jesse threw another chair Rae had sat in, towards Zack, but missed, and almost hit a couple of kids watching. That's when they issued the lockdown. And they were fully fighting on the floor. Luckily, their friends pried them off of each other, and because the lockdown dragged on until 6th period, all those in the room were interviewed, especially him, Ryo and his classmate. It took police nearly 2 hours to come to the school to do the interview, and school officials as well. 

Ash and Dylan instead went home for the day, after one of Dylan's friends texted him about what has happened at school.

Zack and Jesse were suspended from school. Both of those boys never get along. They have been bitter rivals since freshman.

And those two are no strangers to school suspensions because of their rivalries.

And those two are no strangers to school suspensions because of their rivalries

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