Part 23

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She adjusted her shirt some more, then pulled it back up over her chest, and then gave me a puzzled look all the while she did so.

"What, you think I'm going to undress in front of you?" She said, with a slight tone in her voice. "My shirt's a bit loose. I just want to get comfortable." She tugged at her shirt once more, and all I could do was stare at her beauty. She had a slight double chin as she continually looked down at her clothes, while her hair she had fixed upright earlier fell over her right shoulder.

"S-sorry..." was all I could muster. I couldn't help myself. In all honesty, I didn't care one bit about girls being naked anyway, so I was ready to get up. As I got up, she quickly ran like none other and pulled my arm, with the strength unlike the other girls I have met. I felt like she was going to yank my shoulder out of its socket, and her hold had a firm grip.

Her hands were really hard, and I felt what I thought was like skin peeling, like she had working hands, and her grip was very strong, for a girl's, as her fingers were wrapped around my arm...

"Don't go. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...." Sequoia quickly let go of my arm, while her arm was still outstretched, the way she left it when she let me go.

"No no, don't be. It's kind of my fault. It's just that I have never been around girls, and I sort of have a bad luck being around them." She made this sound at the back of her throat, and let out this big laugh. I had never seen, or heard, her laugh before. She was always this serious, studious, model-looking girl who only paid attention to her studies at school. She sat back down on the couch, while still looking up at me, her adams apple bobbing in front of her neck, as she swallowed.

"You're interesting. Really. I like you, I really do, since we first met. Besides, you can't leave now. You're quite a long ways away from home. Like, a long ways." She startled me with what she said, as she continued, 

"When I first came to this school, I never thought I'd meet anyone there, since I always transferred schools. The last place I left was Los Angeles when my brother attended college at this city, and when I saw you looking at me when I first started, I knew I wanted to get to know you." She then arched her neck some more, and doing so her collar bones were now more pronounced. Her neck veins also were starting to appear, though they were still very faint. She also had these lines around her neck that for the first time, I could now see clearly. She swallowed, her tiny adams apple once more bobbed up and down with each swallow she made. Before she knew I was looking at her neck, I quickly averted my eyes back to our papers strewn about the little coffee table. I stole a glance at her again, as she swallowed, cleared her throat, and began organizing her papers on the small coffee table.

"I have heard you're the smartest when it comes to English." She says, opening the binder, and digging into her bag. 

"Yeah. Because I like to write a lot. But not like, writing a novel, just doing essays and that sort of things, like for Biology as well. For research. Maybe that's why I get a lot of praises for my writing. Not so much my math skills."

"How's your math coming along?"

I'm getting there. I got an 85 on my last test."

"That's awesome! Maybe you'll get the hang of it as time goes on, before the summer break." She looked down again, but with a little sadness.

"I'm transferring again. Before the fall school year. I'm going to finish out this year, then I'm leaving. I'm going with my brother somewhere, he didn't tell me where. I wish I could stay for my senior year. You're really interesting. Let's make this the best school year ever! Neck buddy!" she says, pumping her fist in the air, before wrapping her exposed arm around my neck, then pulls me closer to her, so my head is touching her cheek.

The Loner GirlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ