Reborn!: Crossover Trade off!/Battle of the Gangs

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"Complete... Opposite..." Ray said in a low tone.

"It's best you release her, that way you'll have an open slot for another pokemon, and she'll be happy, but if you don't trust me give her the opinion of leaving" Vero stated.

Ray was against what Vero was saying but... It made sense every since evolving Rocky had been different angry, untamed.

The dark skinned boy walked towards the wolf and bent a knee.
"Rocky... If you're not happy with me as a trainer... You're free to go... I don't ever want to force anyone to fight for me if they don't want to" his voice was quivering as he said this.

Rocky looked at him, and then stared off into the forest "Lycann lycanrocc" the wolf pets Ray's head and takes the ball from his hand.

"Rocky..." Ray's throat felt heavy as he knew what was about to happen.

'Break!' Lycanroc breaks her PokeBall and runs off into the forest without much of a goodbye.

Ray falls to his knees, his heart aching was he really a bad trainer.

Pip, Bell, Pia, Swoo and Leo were all shocked at how Rocky had just left them as if their journey was meaningless to her.

"That's just the world for you, sometimes people just have to find their own path... On their own" Vero stated as he looked at the scene.

"Don't... Don't tell me I have to release Leo too" Ray said getting back on his feet.

"No not at all... But I suggest you make a trade" Vero spoke out.

"You want me to trade Leo?" Ray questioned the man.

"The way it seems the litleo is stagnating because unlike the others he rarely gets to shine... Am I right?" The gray haired man said.

(That's right... Pip and the others usually take care of my battles while Leo is mostly left behind...) Ray thought to him.

"Litleos need proper training if they ever want to become Pyroars... So you'll give me Leo while I'll give you another pokemon" Vero said bringing out a crimson PokeBall.

(A cherish ball?! I've not seen one up close before) "What Pokemon do you want to give me?" Ray asked.

"One that's perfect for you, an energetic troublemaker with a flare for explosions" Vero opens the cherish ball "Scorbunny!" He shouts.

"Score bunnnn!" A white rabbit with orange ears pops out from the ball and starts running everywhere.

"Wow! It's fast!" Ray realized as the rabbit started running circles around him and his pokemon.

"Score!" "Priiii!" Scorbunny kicks Prinplup in the butt causing the penguin to chase after the rabbit.

"Hahahahahaha!" Ray laughed hard as he saw this, Scorbunny would be the perfect counter to Pip's arrogant behavior.

"So I guess that's a yes?" Vero said rubbing his chin.

Ray bet down to Leo's level "I'm sorry I wasn't able to make you a king Leo... I'm really sorry".

"Leoooo" the lion cub rubs his head against Ray's chest and the two hug.

Vero and Ray then trade their pokemon with Litleo going to Vero and Scorbunny going to Ray.

"I got this one from a naggy professor from the Galar, training will be easy for it I assure you" Vero said as he rubbed a strange necklace with a red stone on his neck.

"Thank you for everything Vero, I really mean it" Ray said as he hugged the rabbit and it hugged back.

"I hope you find the girl you're looking for, Fury! I choose you!" Vero says this and sends out a pokemon that looks like a bipedal red Hawk.
"You're a lot like me kid, things never get easier for guys like us but you've gotta keep moving".

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