Chapter 2: Daffodils

Start from the beginning

"Besides, he already contacted me and told me to pack your things. So, I might not see you for a while." The waterworks started again and they made me cry too.

When he finally showed up—I'm sure he spent the amount of time he was away talking to my Alpha. But no one was going to say no to him, that much was obvious.

"Come on," he murmured but everyone in the room heard him loud and clear. He spoke as if we were supposed to listen and do whatever he said without command.

"Don't you think we should take this slower? You know get to know each other, date, before any of this?"

He just looked at me like he was irritated—which seemed like it's been that way for a while. He stared at me piercingly but when I saw his eyes glaze over I knew he was talking in his mind link.

Jordan let out a breath, "Tomorrow. When does your class end?" His deep voice resonated through the room even though he spoke lowly. In the rumors I heard about him—he didn't speak very often at all.

"At 3," I muttered looking at his shoes and not in his eyes. When I heard the door open and his feet move I assumed he left but he actually moved closer to me and lifted my head up, the sparks shooting from his fingers on my chin to my body. He didn't do anything other than look me in the eye. His eyes switched from green to one eye being blue and the other brown. I stepped back startled at the sudden change and it caused his eyes to go back to their original color.

He let go of me and walked out the room. "Bye Korali!" Max waved shooting Kaliko and I a smile before closing the door behind him.

After a couple of hours of Kaliko trying to cheer me up I was left in my room with my thoughts.

Jordan Gage was my mate. All I've heard were rumors about him and stories, but those all hold some sort of truth if not all.

They say that he took the pack over by killing his Dad—who was a dictator and made that pack known for its prisoners, even innocent ones, never coming out alive. He was ruthless in his security and showed no remorse at the Alpha meetings.

They say that Jordan was much like his father and held no emotion except where his father taunted people, he didn't speak at all. I've heard that he was evil and killed thousands of people and werewolves alike and that he was hung by his legs as kid to be taught self-reliance.

It's unknown if his mom is still alive but rumor has it was that she ran away and abandoned her duties as Luna because she couldn't take the evilness.

Could I?

Jordan seemed to want me at least a little, I mean he did tell me he was picking me up tomorrow and he did stare at me for 10 minutes. I would assume that was a good sign.

I didn't sleep that night. I was overrun with thoughts of my mate and why he wasn't in bed with me. I tossed and turned my wolf antsy wanting to be released so that she could run to him. We didn't even know where he was, so that was illogical.

My alarm finally went off and I got up and threw on a sweater, jeans, and a pair of combat boots because it was easy and I was lazy. After washing my face and brushing my teeth—I didn't even bother looking at my face while doing it either. I walked out to the kitchen hoping that Kaliko made me breakfast seeing as it is my last day here and all.

I was pleasantly surprised to see she has made a whole buffet and had it sitting on the kitchen island. I steadily walked over my boots making a clomping sound as I sat at the island.

When Kaliko finally looked up she gasped, "Korali are you okay?" She rushed over her dark brown hair swaying.

"What are you talking about? I mean I might have bags under my eyes but I didn't sleep?" My eyes hurt so I closed them rested my head against my arm.

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